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And there's jennie laughing her ass, seulgi facepalming herself asking herself why she have crazy bestfriend. When jennie saw lisa, she whisper to lisa about it, then surprise.

" This is embarrassing" seulgi just slumped her butt on the hard floor.

" Unnie look chippy catch a big fish" lisa get the pale for her unnie to see.

" Good job, take shower first then take a nap," jisoo said to lisa then she get inside, half wet.

They all now settled in shed just to breath fresh air then later they will prepare there lunch.

" Guys I'm sorry for all the events, your here to relax but ~~" joohyun cut her

" Unnie, stop it its ok we're family here, so no need ok" joohyun said then jieun butt in

" Wait you look familiar?, Hmm where did I see you?" Jieun poiting to joohyun, then

" I really should work hard, jieun unnie can't even recognize me" joohyun joke around

" Maybe in convenient store in seoul, yeah maybe," jieun making assumptions.

" Eun she's an actress joohyun bae, you know movie burger patty, redvelvet,  and bad boy and the latest on hmm what is it again~"

" Pretty savage with hollywood star selena" jennie said

" Woooah we have stars here can I take pictures?.hahaha, I'm sorry, soo knows me its just i don't even know what's on tv" jieun explained

" Its ok unnie, I really should work hard" joohyun sulk, they all chuckling.


" I will convince lisa to go with me in the city, I'm asking seul if the do~" jisoo cut her off

" Don't even asked sooyaa whatever it is is always a yes, but not in the dorm I have better place and safer for lisa and you, a place that she won't feel bored or threatened" seulgi said

" Seulgi just tell me about it then we can coordinate in some stuff need to be there ok" joohyun tell.

" Tell me also, I need to be part of it, then I will install the gaming I said to lisa" chaeyoung told them also.

" I need to shop for new linen seul ok, black and pink oh and we should contact some expert for new house of lucy and leo, lisa will never leave them" jennie said

The four talking and planning, what to put to be needed and  schedules and place to visit with lisa, they forgot that jisoo and jieun is there just looking at them rapidly blinking there eyes.

" Ahhhm guys were here you know" jieun wave her hands to them, and they stop just to see jisoo with tears on her eyes speakimg them with gratitude.

' aaaahhh unnie stop crying your welcome ok, don't think too much, we will talk more about this, we got you" jennie and joohyun hugged jisoo, then chaeyoung and seulgi hugged jisoo little longer then.

" YAAAAH STOP THAT" Lisa shout while putting her shoes

" You better stop that seulgi and chae, lisa is possessive to her unnie" jieun said while taking selfie with joohyun and jennie.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now