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Jisoo woke up really early, since it takes time to prepare food when they have picnic snacks and lunch add up some works also. Lisa also wake up after , her body clock  woke her then she emediately look for jisoo.

She spotted jisoo squatting putting woods in open pit fire she back hug jisoo.

" Moi~ ning unnnie" lisa cutely said leaning in jisoos back.

" Goodmorning too baby, feeling better now?" Jisoo greet before they stand hug the big baby, lisa hmm and nod.

" Ok sit here, ill warm some milk" lisa sit patiently and watching her unnie doing her work, shes smiling while looking at jisoo, jisoo finish warming her milk.

" Lisa here drink carefully" jisoo handed her the milk.

" Lisa are you ok here own your own? Do you eat well, do you stay late at night how about someone still bullying you when you go to village?" Jisoo bombarded lisa with questions

" Unnie im doing fine, what happen was just accident, im sorry to make you worried unnie ill be careful next time and im eating well" lisa said she hated it when she make her unnie  worried.

" Its ok baby im not mad ok you can tell unnie everything" jisoo makes sure that lisa understand so she will not  close her feelings and can express it well.

" Ahhmm" lisa remember something, and she stand up and get the things.

" Unnie here, look at this, a new friend gave this to me look," lisa is so excited to tell her unnie about her new friend.

Jisoo is nervous its not that  she dont want lisa to have friends but she wants to know what motive of that person to lisa, her instinct of being protective for her sister kick in, jisoo smile to lisa even though she doubt that person so.

" Woow look at that its all pretty, hmm so tell me about this new friend of yours" jisoo ask with a smile.

" Her name is joojoo " lisa tell the name with a big smile in her face, jisoo is curios, cause as far as she knows theres no joojoo nearby or even in village, so jisoo ask

" Wow its a her? She live in village?" Trying the know the person but jisoo really doubt it coz the stuff is expensive and village people cant even afford a sweater and hoodie pricey as car.

" No unnie, hmmm i think she's from the city, yeah i forgot to ask her about it, but we meet in cabin, near the clif~ oops" lisa didnt continue what she was telling, coz her unnie dont want her to go to that area coz it dangerous, but its to late now she slip.

Lisa is nervous coz jisoo is not talking no expression, and she knows its not good but jisoo is thinking about that person.

" Whos this person, lisa was kinda into her when shes talking, i should be mad right now coz lisa didnt do what im telling her, that place is private and dangerous, how come lisa and that person seems close" jisoo thought to engrossed of thinking about it and motive of that person many questions she wants to know, she forgot that lisa is in front of her then.

" Omg ommmo lisa why are you crying are you hurt what happen? Jisoo worried suddenly lisa cry

" Because you didn't talk and your mad, im sorry unnie i like that place so much, the owner is kind  and she allows me to go there time to time, im sorry i make a secret from you i will never get back there again please dont be mad at me" lisa sobbing in between in her words jisoo facepalm herself.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now