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" Time of death 8:45~~~"
" The pulse is coming back, get ~~"

The doctor revive jisoo as her heart stop at the moment, at the same time in ICU, jennie is panicking as lisa is having a seizure.

Jennie is in the glass door now, as joohyun and others is running to her, the bodyguards informed them the situation and seulgi too is with jisoo can't sit still. In few minutes both side the doctor went out.

" Miss lisa is awake, we almost lost her , still  we can't sure until all the test and observation, she speak unnie, we will still doing test before we will open the window again"

" We already pronounce her dead but  a miracle happen her blockage on her nerve is remove, we will transfer her on the icu for further observation"

Seulgi lost it when the doctor said it then jiuen and chaeyoung consoling seulgi, as they all go to Lisas room joohyun tells them what happen same time chaeyoung too. They are all seating outside didn't talked after. Everyone realize they almost lost there two important persons in there lives, jennie sob and hugged seulgi.

" Jieun, release it, it's ok now" chaeyoung said as she pulled jieun to her chest as on cue jieun sob her emotions she's with them in her whole life so she's having a hard time as much as they know.

The manobans came crying, they didn't asked the young ones as they already knows the info. Its been a long and exhausting days to them.

" Get up everyone, lets all eat" joohyun said enough for everyone to hear, they look at her confuse, like can you still eat now look on her there face.

" The two is fighting for us, lets also do the same cause they need us, we can't take care of them like this and unnie and lisa don't want us to be like this, so get up, eat sleep and tommorow lets face this with fresh mind, don't blame your selves we love them they love us too so let's go, they are now ok as the doctors said they will probably wake up by tommorow so let's go" joohyun said with determination and give them positivity.

They wipe there's tears and sighed. And promise there selves they can all do this together.

" Poopoo, unnie you hear me we will be back just rest ok we will see you tommorow" jennie said in her cracked voice shes trying  to be positive cause she believes they will hear them.

" My love, buddy we will be back, just rest and you will regain your strength I love you two so much" seulgi she bit her lips.

" Soo, monkey don't you dare I'll be back tommorow and ready your selves will give you both real hard smack you make us all worried you know!" Jieun said in between her tears.

" Lili, unnie rest well we love you don't worry about us ok you got us please don't give up" joohyun said with a smile, this words gives each other's hope, the manoban decide to stay on kang, as mrs MANoban wants to take care of them, once the doctor tells them they got this they will call whatever happens.

" They really are soulmates, in this life they have love that's is unbreakable as siblings even there not related, maybe in there previous lives they still together, lover, mother and child, bestfriends even in there breath they tend to wait for each other" jieun said they agreed to her, they just experience that scared them at the same time it's magical and miraculous.

When they arrived, they already went to kitchen cause kwangsoo and Aunt miran make them heavy meal, they didn't talk, they also finish everything as they didn't know they are hungry because of what happen after it they bid goodnight and promise each other to face tommorow with strength.

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