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SUPER FLASHBACK from the root

When they welcome the visitor, they all bowed and the nun welcome them with flowers, the young lady is behind the man, she's just looking around and not looking in anyone in the eyes, she's so shy to do it, shes not even talking but well behaved, in the other side.

" su did you see her shes beautiful isn't she ?" wu whisper to his bestfriend, and su just stare lost in the moment struggle to answer but

" she is " he whispered enough that his the only one who can hear, but wu nudge him

" yea~h mayb~e?"su  mentally facepalm for stuttering to his bestfriend,

" your funny anyway, lets wait why this man is here, i heard that he will be staying for days here" he informed su for unreliable information, but his more planning that the old man will notice him, if the information he heard is true

the lunch is on going till the mother superior stand up and silence everyone to listen.

" ehem, children and nuns let me introduce our dear guest for today Sir. Louis Brüschweiler Manoban" everyone applaud


The Mother Superior is waiting for her turn to be called, shes been summoned for a meeting in well known corporation, the nun thought maybe for donations of the orphanage thats why she come.

When she's inside an old man approach her.

" Goodmorning sister, my apologies for an urgent meeting im Sir. Louis Brüschweiler Manoban, im the one who personally contact you sister" while shaking hands and lead the nun in a chair.

" no worries mr manoban, im little surprise coz our orphanage is just small to recognize such as big corporation, but im glad, and i can feel this meeting will be great help for the kids" the nun resonate

" indeed sister i will help the orphanage,but aside from that i think i have someone in your care that i would like to take".mr. manoban said

" what do you mean mr. manoban" a confuse nun ask

" its about my ~"


"thank you sister, thank you so much for a warm welcome i will be here to stay and study the orphanage how to help and improve the place, and also for my little companion here to have friends" sir manoban said referring to the young lady in his side

The lunch continue, the guest proceed to there designated rooms to stay, over a tea , mother superior and sir. manoban talk privately for important matters, while the young lady roaming around the garden, she spotted best place for her to read her book, without knowing someone is already occupied the place.

" ahhh its beautiful here, the flowers and fresh air is different and its calming," the young lady said while fixing her position to read.


" your thinking out loud you know". someone talking that make the young lady startled.

" im sorry if i scared you, " he jump from tree to face the lady

" no no im sorry didn't know someone is here" shes about to get up to find other place to read" but

" dont go its ok you can have this place to read im about to go anyway to feed the cow," he apologiticcally bowed and about to leave.

" ji woo, im ji woo" she shyly said trying to have friend's kids in her age.

" oh,~ im woo sung" the boy shyly bowed and telling ji woo he will leave coz he got task to do.

The young girl smile on the site of the running boy but still glance at her, she shake her head

" silly" then she proceed to her reading


Jennie just arrived from the shoot, she was extremely tired, she was just alone now since they drop jisoo first in her dorm since they have day off tomorrow and shes being considerate to the older that id also tired as much as her.

Being alone in a place gives her the opportunity to think, think on how and where she will begin.

" dad i loveyou coz you are my father, but what you did is ~ hmmm" she exhale deeply for frustration and disappointment

" I know what you did father, i know how i wish i didnt heared you, how i wish, i will do what is right dad for my ~

" real mom" tears flow like a memories rush to her veins, a pain that she didn't recognize for so long.


~" damn shes beautiful" lisa thoughts but looking down.

" im sorry miss. owner its me the one~ " arrrgh lisa internally smacking her self for not speaking well.

lisa started to panic, she start to fidget and shaking her anxiety is kicking  shes about to step back and leave but the blackness of place is the last thing she sees.


im trying to update everyday, but sometimes life gets busy..hahahhaa..like eating and Netflix..hihihi

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