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Jennie wake up  hours later after lisa, while lisa is sleeping, shes calmer but traumatized, the way her eyes moved. she wants lisa by her side but when she knows lisa stab she cry again.

Jieun talk to her as doctor to help jennie. It calms her then later on lisa wake up and she see jennie in distress.

" Nini, nini were safe now" lisa calming jennie then jennie stand up and get near to lisa and scouted on her side.

" Ohh my Nini don't be afraid, I'm here were here look at them" lisa said calming jennie still afraid on what happened, she's so small.

" Poopoo don't leave ok" jennie said that only lisa can hear, lisa nod for her, kiss her head and they stay in that position for a moment.

" Nini I'm hungry" lisa said and her stomach growl makes jisoo smile. She gets near to them.

" I'll feed this two babies, come I'll help you to sit properly' jisoo said and seulgi and chaeyoung help them to sit on comfortable way. Lisa groaned cause she feels the sting on her abdomen. Then the food came which chicken porridge.

" Unnie steak please" lisa said she craving full meal they didn't eat almost three days and she can eat a horse for it.

" Lisa not now, it's your first meal ok, later I'll give you two' jisoo said she knows how hungry they are. It broke her heart how they treated them.

" Ok but can I have chocomilk? Nini you like it too right?" Lisa asked jennie, she want sweets too she stress but she's trying to get over it and the fact that she hears everything.

" See unnie and little bit of cake?' lisa whisper the last one which she knows she can't get.

" Of course I'll give you now eat before it's cold" jisoo said, she cant help but to spoil them as much she can.

" Easy tiger, you get choked on porridge' chaeyoung said when lisa take her spoon and jisoo feeding jennie.

" I'm famished" lisa said her mouth is full makes them chuckled. They just sit there watching there ball of sunshine smiling, from time to time lisa cheering jennie. Later on they went outside then suelgi just in her room working for there preparation for living which chaeyoung help her.

" Bro let's go on library, we can work there" chaeyoung said peaking on suelgi room getting her laptop and she nod.

Later on lisa fall asleep after the meal, jennie stay a wake, she's ok just in little pain but she can manage. A nurse help her to sit on wheelchair to her request. She want to go outside to breath fresh air.

" Kwang soo can you call seulgi, chaeyoung and unnies please" jennie said and kwang soo obliged, there are guards roaming around but distance there selves for them to have privacy then later on.

" Jennie why you didn't tell me you want to go outside" jisoo said she just go to her room to get something.

" I'm sorry unnie, I really just want to talk to you all I want to get this out to my system" jennie said makes them frown, they didn't talked about it cause they don't want to stress them.

" We can wait jennie you know that" jieun said to assure her that they were there to wait for her.

" Nope I'm ok now I promise I can manage it, but this can't wait" jennie said little teary but determine to tell it to them.

" Lisa kill the man to save me, but the man said he wants revenge for killing me thinking I'm mr. Wu daughter he didn't believe me thats why he did it, his ready to kill me, then lisa save me, I keep my eyes close all the time but I know shes not lisa we know. Until~" jennie take a deep breath and jisoo hold her hands for comfort.

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