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They look all dumbfonded, seulgi is almost crying cause lisa didn't see her as her unnie potential lover. Chaeyoung on other side holding all her strength not to laugh or even roll on the dirt, that is one of funniest lisa as ever blurted out.

Jisoo is like a fish cant utter a words, then she look at jeiun who is laughing without sounds.

" Unnie, what you see in him? His tall and kind and tall and kind?" Lisa is trying to figure what she can see about kwang soo and that's chaeyoung and jongyeon lose there cool they released the loudest laughed they can do. The rest is chuckling and giggling on lisa.

" JIEUN LEEEEEEEE!" Jisoo yelled and about to attacked jieun but lisa hold her waist and laughing.

" Unnie don't  get mad I know your shy to tell me you like someone" lisa said giggling, and gave jieun a high five even they can't reach each other. Jieun know lisa is cool with it since she talked to her in a session. But she didn't tell about seulgi and jisoo it's not her story to tell.

" your not against it baby?" Jisoo asked cause this will be great, its great time to tell her about seulgi, but lisa is something.

" About kwang soo, ahmm of course but I unnie I think he can't even fight well I try him when we get back" lisa said doing some boxing gesture makes seulgi gulp

" Ohh buddy need help for that? Chaeyoung said makes her look to seulgi and poke her tongue to her.

" No need his just tall and skinny, I can handle him" lisa said not bother on it, jisoo is about to say something but cut off again cause lisa just randomly get inside the cabin.

" Unnie you like kwang soo?' joohyun jokingly said makes jisoo slumps on her blanket

' don't remind me again, jisoos why she think I like him OMG!" Jisoo is facepalming now and look at seulgi her eyes is blinking cause thinking about lisa about fighting makes her knees feel weak.

" she won't get physical, I should tell it to her now as in now~' jisoo is determined to tell lisa now not to push herself about kwangsoo more other hand seulgi cut her.

" No no ooonnnoo not now love hahah, wait yeah when we got back that's right" seulgi is nervous as ever chaeyoung ,daHyun and jongyeon is laughing so hard that they captured it. Then lisa is sulking when she get back with her phone on her hand.

" Unnie I can't contact kwang soo and! ~" lisa said then jisoo sighed already and cut her off.

" Its not kwang soo baby, calm down now sit down and I want you to listen" jisoo said in calm and stern voice makes lisa pout.

" Why your assume it's kwnagsoo you don't even asked me? " Jisoo asked make lisa put her pointing fingers on her chin thinking that her unnie have a point.

" I'm sorry unnie, I just excited for you, you know and I really want to know if that person deserve you or not" lisa said and pout sure kwangsoo is kind and lisa knows kwang soo can't even disabled a fly.

" Its ok now listen is not kwang soo ok, yeah true i have someone now" jisoo said then everyone is anticipating for what's next, but then there is  suelgi colds sweats is running on her face and jennie bit her lips not to laugh and captured it on her phone. Jisoo breath thinking its now or never.

" Its seulgi" jisoo said it and they can see lisa have no emotion, now the air blow to them makes them shiver how cold it is then lisa speak.

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