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Everyone is busy loading their stuff in seulgi's airplane, the other things is already there in advance. Auntie miran and mrs. Lee ride on a boat cause they don't want to ride on plane anymore, also they bring stuff too with bodyguards to help them.

Rascal also are complete and they also fly there in advance for them to prepare things with mrs lee, it's there first time to be there so they are mesmerized, the care taker also leave when they arrived and seulgi gave them huge amount for taking care of the property.

Moving on, they are now in hanger ready to ride, it's just that they were all delayed for a particular person, lisa

" Lisa I will really smack you now get up!" Jisoo patience is already drained, lisa is crying for unknown reason.

" If you will just tell me why you are crying like that" jisoo again try to coax her but fail again cause she burst again, joohyun don't want to interfere if jisoo is there to discipline lisa, even they are official already, she respects jisoo and  they will tell it on them on Christmas.

" Unnnniiiiieeeeee~" lisa whine between her cry jisoo massages her temple, they all looking to her, seulgi let other staff to ride as they wait for them, some is giggling on lisa for being a brat even the doctor is with them to spent Christmas and also work for them just in case lisa and jisoo.

The manoban spoiled them, they have staff also arrive in village just in case they need help and all, Lisa's stock of food is ready they have list of Lisa's food and need toys game and art craft is there too.

" For god sake lisa" jisoo is done already but she calm herself and sit down with lisa and lisa lift her head and look at jisoo is her puppy eyes is swollen now and she's sniffing her snot back, shes so cute and jisoo can't help to sighed.

" Come here baby, ok go on tell me if your ready"  jisoo calmly said as lisa crawl on her more and snuggle, she still have her illness but it's unclear to her,  cause some signs is not there but jieun said it's still there its just mess up cause she have amnesia.

Lisa's crying lessen, jennie is taking pictures of her and there for her scrapbook. And she sit properly and look at jisoo she's contemplating if she want to tell it but she encourage lisa to speak that it's ok whatever it is.

" Unnie I left something in hospital" lisa said and jisoos face shows she annoyed already and shrugged it off for lisa.

" I left lego" she said and cry again , everyone is confuse cause as they remember she don't have lego  set toys in her room, jisoo look at seulgi if she knows something and she shake her head and even everyone.

" Lisa you don't have lego in your room" jisoo said and she cry again, seulgi call the hospital and asked for there room if they have stuff left behind but seulgi knows none cause kwangsoo assist them.

" We will buy one  stop crying already" jisoo said and lisa shake her head.

" No unnie it's rare one and fluffy"

" Lisa will find it ok, not now look were are all delayed and they are waiting inside " jisoo reasoned out  but lisa keep her tantrums.

" Look buddy seulgi will let you fly the plane" chaeyoung just butt in, maybe just baiting lisa for her to stop, and thinking maybe she won't stop just guessing, but her guessing make everyone groaned and a smiling lisa appears.

" Oh no, oh no" jennie thought and jieun smack her stomach for saying it, chaeyoung might forget about the driving thing in italy. Lisa wipe her tears and stand up, she help jisoo and fix her clothes jisoo really want to beat chaeyoung now.

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