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" THANK YOU FOR THE " everyone said jisoo cook this morning with seulgi and jieun they let the youngsters to sleep well.

They all start to eat, its awkward a little again. Cause they don't know lisa will do now. Jisoo prepare her food as always and its her favorite.

" Ahhm I'm sorry yesterday, unnie I'm sorry everyone. I'm just full thats all,  but I promise I won't talk about it I'll be strong now I know I broke my promise many times but now I swear I will not make you all worried anymore" lisa said.

" Baby it's ok, you know I love you a lot ok, I won't leave you your not alone to fight ok?'jisoo said and lisa nod, jisoo grab lisa in crashing hugged which lisa reciprocate with more than love.

" Its ok now poopoo"
" We won't leave you lili we promise that"
" There are right buddy" seulgi

" So we can swim on stream later?' chaeyoung said makes lisa all smile and they fist bump

" Ilove you lisa thank you" jisoo said she whispered it to her.

" I love you too unnie, now eat up thank you for the food it's my favorite" lisa said and she kiss her cheek

They eat well and it's just happy like nothing happened, jisoo is glad lisa is ok again. She is attentive to jisoo, to jennie and joohyun too. They all now pack to go to the stream the weather is awesome.

" Chaeyoung lets bet who will catch a fish the biggest will win?" Lisa said make chaeyoung frown it's very first that lisa call her chaeyoung, but she just shrugged it.

" So what's the catch?" Chaeyoung asked she just want to have fun though.

" Hmmmm I don't know, request something just like that, ahh one wish" lisa said she's having good mood.

" Alright deal" chaeyoung said and they fist bump. Now they just talk random things at there back is seulgi and jisoo who's smiling at there sights of lisa and chaeyoung laughing on stupid topic.

" Love i want to tell it to lisa, cause you know she will think that i hide it to her and think the other way, I don't know what to do" jisoo sighed.

" I know either side there's still results, but let just pray for it that she will take it well. Don't worry were her for you and lisa" seulgi said with assuring smile.

" Thank you love, take a rest well ok your still not healed. Look at those bugs in your eye catch a sleep there ok" jisoo said worriedly she didn't take care of them well for many reasons.

" Unnie it freaks me out lisa talk like that, it's not the first time that she's so down but talking like that makes my heart stop" jennie said she's with joohyun and jieun.

" Me too jen, how I wish we can take all of it, I'm still not get over on unnies cancer" joohyun is drained.

" Guys don't dwell to much to it there are things that we can't a void like fate we can't change, all we have to do, be with them and support and loved. They went too much but I believe on after storm there's a rainbow" jieun patted both of them and they agreed to her.

" after this break I hope we will have more energy for upcoming storm I can feel this wont be last" jieun thought by looking to everyone, but she knows the happiness for forever will come by.


" 60/40 that's the deal you have 40 cause I have men with me to pay and  you know it right?" ........

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now