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What happen that day the the rascal witness it, since they were just very near to them, they witness it on cctv camera, the security knows about them, they coordinate about cctv surveillance.

" That's the kid your talking about jong?" Momo asked the rest wait for her to answer and she nod.

"OMG she's hot!" Joy

" I know I mean I didn't expect the visual too!" Nayeon

" I think it was her unnie is one of them, others is goddess also!" Dahyun

" If I'm not straight she's my type" momo

" Is that why she special jong?" Mina and that's when they stop gossiping about lisa.

" Yes that's why lets avoid her for now, we don't know how to treat her if ever, we don't know her personally. That's the instructions if she saw us just keep it cool let here approach us not us will approach her. Seulgi's says she's very good and kind very funny" jongyeon said.

" I think, her unnie is the one who hugged her, I envy her for having unnie there loving right?" Mina said, she cant remember her past but she know she have sister, but it was buried in her heart.

" Hon" jong hugged her, she knows kinda miss her unnie that's why she mention it, mina gave her the smile she's ok.

" Should we tell seulgi other security on that area is not on the spot, we saw him smoking on the big tree?" Dahyun said.

" Yeah I tell her, anyway any new information whereabouts of mr. Kim and shin rok? And also that beggar there's no data of him, I have feelings he knew mr. Kim" jongyeon said while typing on laptop.

" Not yet, he didn't go back in the mansion for two days now, if I saw him again I will follow him" joy said

" Ok then let's go, nayeon will be in charge here for now, more important is to watch the kid her whereabouts in the estate, if something happen to her report to jinhyuk or call seulgi" jongyeon said.

" Aye aye ostriches, just bring me eggpie when you get back, keep safe bitches" nayeon said and they all waved.


Lisa and jisoo is having bonding time at the theater room, seulgi and jennie visit them at lunch, then leave after they will join dinner later or sleep over too, they will be there with chaeyoung and joohyun as what they agreed.

This is the the moment that jisoo will going to talk to lisa about her condition.

" Lisa, baby can we talk?" Jisoo said while lisa is watching movie, they're cuddling. Lisa get up to properly sit and face her unnie.

" Of course unnie im listening" lisa said giving her unnie megawatts smile, that jisoo can't help but to reciprocate.

" Is this lisa now?" Lisa nod

" You listening to unnie" jisoo asked

" Yes unnie" lisa said sweetly

" Are you aware baby, that having multiple personalities is unusual?" Jisoo is trying to find right word

" Hmmm unnie"

"Baby tell unnie I want to help you, is there anyone aside of lily?" Jisoo asked they need to make straight to the point, jieun is also listening in case lisa will take it differently.

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