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" I want strawberries and whipped cream on Nini' lisa said the she correct it emediately when she realized.

" i mean Nini like strawberries and whipped cream too, oh and put big bananas Nini like big bananas right Nini?' lisa smiling to jennie, not aware of sexual innuendo.

" Yeahhh hahhaha, with peanuts on it, too bad your allergic to peanuts" jennie counter attack, but lisa just nod not really getting what jennie means.

" I'm going to have a headache, omg"' jisoo is now massaging her temple and seulgi rubbing  her back discretely not for lisa to notice

Joy and mina obviously embarrassed and just drinking water and jieun is laughing mess.

" Should I put cherry's on top?" Jieun asked, its for seulgi and jisoo but lisa again

" Yes please, and what you you called it that white sticky liquids but it's delicious," lisa said pertaining syrups now jisoo is not having it.

" No ice cream lets go for a cake, I remember ice cream just melt" jisoo stand up and go to kitchen to prepare the cakes, and lisa pout she's craving for it but it's ok cake is that best for her too.

" Ahh oh boy, I'm craving for it to lick it in sugar cone" lisa said it casually, now they all cracked up.

" Ohh lili your too innocent, you big baby' jennie squeeze Lisa's cheek, shortly after jisoo cameback with slices of cakes.

They are now eating cakes, no ones talking lisa also finish her cake, then she kiss jisoo and Nini and jieun she will go outside to leo and lucy.

" Soo your baby it's not a baby anymore, your going to be a grandma soon hahahah' jieun tease jisoo who still in denial.

" Not happening, under my watch and mandu don't teach her things omg I cant" jisoo cant she just don't want to think about it.

" Oh common soo, don't waste lisas genes, were going to have plenty of beautiful grandchildren" jieun tease more, but in reality she's just helping jisoo realize that someday she will let go of her.

" Stop it eun, or I'm goin to shove this to you and you kang you wash dishes, I'll go up stairs" jisoo walkout, maybe she overacting about it but, they understand.

" For sure, whoever lisa end up will be having hard time to her in law, poor lisa her unnie will castrates her hahahha" jieun said and the girls choked.

" Mandu, you heard that, hahah" seulgi tease then joy asked.

" does lisa never had relationship before? Sorry for asking just curious, shes a really good catch" joy said who's curios not aware of the kitten giving her death glares.

" Hahaha in our village lisa is popular to the girls, but she's not really interested, they always pursue jisoo more to boost them for lisa but jisoo never entertain them even once" jieun explain.

" Well we understand to those who knows why, she's just careful cause lisa is special," seulgi said and they all nod, joy and mina say there thanks for the meal they insist for washing dishes but seulgi push them to go back in there post, she even told them get something to eat in kitchen.

" I'll be in my room, I'm going to review things on lisa, doc, sandara will be trying something new for lisa, goodnight guys see you tomorrow" jieun said and they bid there goodnights. Seulgi and jennie is in balcony having tea.

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