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Today is the day what we all waiting for, in the past few days of all the preparation the moment is finally here, the weather is bright and white due to the last night snow it adds up the theme which is magical. Unnie and Lisa's guest from the village also came, the manoban set a banquet in the village for the people to compensate those who's not invited.

It's not that they are not it's just the wedding should be intimate than a circus. Even me I want it that way, they only have few guest that's are elder and unnie childhood friends. People also excited when they know that the siblings is going to get married, to avoid stamped the manobans set up the banquet along with couple souvenirs for them and more of course.

In an hour now the ceremony will start and I am here with all the girls and the brides jisoo unnie and joohyun unnie I'm really happy for them. I can't help but to tear up thinking all those events we been through.
To all the lives had been taken and sacrifice to this present and future for peacefully living.

I know there is still a test through times but I just thank that the person's who's after us is gone already and the justice was prevail, to my parents that I can't remember but I know they loves me and my sister so much, to those who keep us safe, the pain and agony we suffer is all worth it.

" I'm nervous"

I hear joohyun unnie said we are all just chilling and wait for the time everyone is ready , I smile and hold her hand.

" Relax she won't runaway"

I joke out that she smack my arm and she went silent and look at me, I know what she thinks

" Unnie I am happy for both of you, I can't be selfish knowing that she love me as a sister, then pursue things, and I'm contented for it, I gain family and sisters and a trustworthy friends I can't asked for more" I said it's true I'm move on already she just have guilt without reasons due to nervousness, I understand her.

" I'm happy unnie, doesn't mean I'm single I'm not happy, happiness is not always to the person you can rely but happiness also can be found within" and there shes crying and everyone's attention is on us, we smile to her

" Good thing you don't were make up or else you be like the bride of chucky" jisoos unnie tease makes joohyun unnie pout.

" I'm just happy"

unnie said between her crying we all chuckled and help her to calm down, she squeeze my hand and I bet for thanking me in anyway she thinking, I don't find it sacrifice more on i accept and be happy, throughout everything they teach me to be mature and confident in my decision, to feel the love that even where not family by blood, but love is thicker than water that what we are, we heard a knock that broke our moment.

" Miss" it's kwang soo jieun didn't open the door, but kwang soo speak.

" Miss lisa is having her tantrums right now" oh my baaby not now.

" Why?" Jisoo unnie asked, maybe shes nervous too.

" She don't like the tie" kwang soo is laughing behind the door so we are.

" Then, don't make her wear it, it's ok" joohyun unnie said lisa really don't like formal wear it makes her itchy feeling.

" But she decide to have scarf instead" kwang soo said and I bet there's more.

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