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There are many changes in there life, but the bond is more stronger. jisoo graduated for vocational course, lisa home study, she  stop school long time ago cause she said she dont need diploma.

Jisoo didnt force lisa much coz she still know the hesitation. Eventhough she stop, lisa still reading books more advance education book that jisoo bought her.

Physically Lisa change a lot, her features is prominent and beyond beautiful, even there's a hindrance on it, and what makes jisoo annoyed? the height.

lisa is tall and strong her physic is better even without gym, she get it on her chores, lisa is quite popular in many people, shes known even she dont interact with them. Time pass people respect jisoo and lisa coz the siblings help them a lot, yeah thats right the sibling is known as kind-hearted people and beauty they cant compare.

They still living simple life though, through hard work they mange to buy little more lands so that they can farm other crops, they are known who gives, even they dont ask lisa and jisoo help without saying a word.

They share excess crops to nearby neighbor, lisa fixing roofs, fixing things and build something that can help people, one time lisa help a kid drown in river, she help the kid to revive thanks to the books she ready and kid is safe.

Some people is lack of medicine they ask help to the sibling coz they know a lot of plants that can help illness, the people they help pay them in return not money coz they dont want it they pay like a kilo of rice, or extra kimchi anything that's there is  no money involved.

Jisoo is preparing something for lisa and its been awhile shes saving a lot but its still not enough but she will never give up, she think more solution and hoping it will come soon.

" ok there you go its fix," lisa thought shes about to go not saying anything but the person she help sees her and called lisa.

" aigoo this kid will just leave without saying anything i dont even have chance to say my thank you tsktsk" old lady said amuse to lisas action but very thankful to her.

" get this, its for you and jisoo, im supposed to give this yesterday but my back hurts i cant stand my son mino is in the city he just got job there so its just me and my husband". mrs. Song said

" no need for this mrs. Song  its ok please" lisa shyly said her head still bowed as much as lisa wants to talk shes still not confident to face people, she walks head down still with hoodie on.

" oh? so you will refuse my offer?  i got this chocolate and some beauty soap for jisoo" mrs, song teasingly said coz she knows lisa love chocolate so much and people knows it and lisa cant refuse it.

" oh okkkkaaay thank you mrs.go " lisa shyly get it because of shyness she run but before she says her thank you

" that kid is cute,hahahahaa" mrs song said and shout also here welcome.

lisa get home she found jisoo doing laundry. Lisa think that she will prank her unnie lisa wearing her mischievous smile while planning her evil prank. Lisa sneakly make u-turn she proceed to back part of the house and get the fake snake in there room, while jisoo hang blanket she throws the fake snake in the water with bubbles,the she waits.

" i saw lisa arrived, she didnt see me that i notice her, and i saw her evil smile i know she ups for something, lisa is a happy kid, a grown up kid a baby for me,whatever it is shes planning i will give her an epic reaction just to see and hears her laughter" jisoo thought she wait little then prentend she saw nothing in the basin, jisoo think of what reaction she will give, and she turn actress mode on.


jisoo flip the basin and the bubbles throw to herself, then she crawl like to scape to the snake, then she notice lisa laughing so hard that makes her tear.

"You!!!! come here you evil baby!..."  jisoo pretend that shes mad and trying to caught the mastermind while laughing so hard.

"hahhahahahha sorrrryy sorrry unnie hahahhaa i love you hahahahahha" lisa love her unnies reaction and it makes her crack like a maniac.

" you i will be punish you!" When jisoo caught lisa and then she start tickling lisa that make lisa laughing  that makes lisa drool in so much laughter that makes jisoo stop panting get tired of there actions.

This is what jisoo want lisa being lisa not lisa whos timid and quiet, lisa who express her feelings and confident, her smile can make jisoo tiredness  disappeared.

" come her you kid you naughty where did you go huh?". broke the hug and they sit properly then lisa run to ther room and get the plastic bag that mrs. Song gave her.

" unnie its from mrs. Song she gave this to us i dont want to get it ....? Lisa didn't complete her sentence when jisoo cut her

" coz there's chocolate in it right'?"...jisoo laughing the ruffle Lisa's hair,  lisa is still a baby for jisoo.

" you take bath now coz you sweat and i prepare our dinner dont eat sweets ok dinner first" lisa nod and kiss jisoo before she goes to shower.







were getting there hahahah sorry typossssss

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