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JISOO POV ( short pov)

"woooh so this is the city smells like". me and mino arrived in the city hours ago, we were just waiting to a make.up artist his friend that will give me the job, we were waiting at luxurious coffee shop and oh the hot chocolate i was thinking to bring lisa here soon, i miss lisa already and im hoping she read my letter and get home safe.

End of jisoo pov

" so how lisa takes it that your here?" mino trying to console her friend knowing that two is inseparable.

" she misunderstood at first, but later on she let me, she dont know about the operation savings thingy but i will double the job while im her if i can, so i can finish it sooner, so who im working with again?. jisoo change the topic coz she reminds of the crying lisa and it make her sad. Mino get his phone and show the profile of the person she will work with.


" OK why never heard about her in our place if shes famous you know?" jisoo is not even amaze, mino just rolled his eyes.

" of course how we will you know and i bet lisa dont know too, you two live under the rocks, farm village and thats what im amaze you two is the most contented people i know, you can live without things we usual use now like phones, you two can make fire even from the scratch " mino complement jisoo and lisa amuse by the two siblings thats why he will help jisoo for lisas surgery.

" its sounds insult to me but ok i take that as compliment, and mino let me remind you books and magazine exist, we do read a lot but that rubyjane i never been read about her" jisoo laughing and amaze by the taste of hot chocolate she will definitely bring lisa here.

" ehhh yeah i know but you dont buy fashion magazine and you just buy those educational medical and survival books, i will definitely bring the two of you when zombie apocalypse happen hahahha" they are both laughing when someone approach.

" im sorry to disturb you can i speak just a few second to this lady sir?" a very beautiful blonde said with thick accent mix in korean.

" here is my calling card, im working in one of entertainment agency here and i find you so much potential, i dont want you to decide now, but if you want please consider my offer someday here just call we can talk, your beauty is classic and elegant" mino and jisoo is flustered and cant speak the lady didn't give them time to response

" the company is legit just keep my card if soon you will change your mind my personal number is there, im also in a hurry i just grab my coffee and im running late have nice day" the blond bowed and leave them but she take a look one more time to jisoo.

"OMG turtle you just got scouted, i think you dont need to be personal assistant just grab this one" mino excitedly said and amaze in ones in a lifetime event but,

" naaaah its not my calling mino, its not my world and i have my own mission but definitely keep this card the lady is pretty, i think shes a model did you see that?" jisoo stating the truth and still in thinking to that blonde that she meet.

" ahhhh tsk ok if you say so hahahah" jisoo think of silliness having a little crush for a first time ever but sadly she knew they aren't meant to be, its not even her priority.

Little more minutes finally someone arrive, but definitely not mino expected.

"hi mino, maeng call me, that you found someone who can help me to assist the brat this must be her?" mino stand up and bowed he cant hel it because the person is quite intimidating.

" sorry yes ms. shes the one im recommending to maeng, sorry and you are? meang didnt text me about this" mino said anf he awkwardly smile.

" oh, definitely we have miscommunication here, here read maengs message, and my name kang suelgi, Jennie's executiive manager can we go in private to talk more for condition and little interview" ms.kang offer her hand to jisoo while smiling, thr tall and quite intimidating gave her eye smile and jisoo accept the hand shake.

kang offer her hand to jisoo while smiling, thr tall and quite intimidating gave her eye smile and jisoo accept the hand shake

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" kim jisoo


.lets dig deeper coz this is like web you know

did you watch the Netflix doc..damn im crying

damn im crying

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