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the peaceful beach now awake, the laughter replace by a scream.

" Woooh coconut!"

Lisa said, she stumble in a pair of brown fine round and bouncy pair of boobs, lisas face was in between to it and the only word in her mouth is coconut.

Chaeyoung run emediately and with jongyeon to make her stand, and the woman seems not bother at all.

" Hahah your cute" she said in english, though shes hurt a little but it fades on Lisa's word to her. Lisa stands in help of chaeyoung and jongyeon the woman also stand and wipe all the sands on her body.

" Sorry " lisa said and bowed, then she said coconut again makes the woman laughing so hard, chaeyoung and jongyeon bowed to apologise and dragged lisa on the sight.

" Bye cutie I'm jessi the coconut" jessi laughing so hard, and get out of the beach, she's sunbathing and fall asleep that's why.

The girls saw it everything and everyone they heard it, jennie can't help but to look at her front and frown, same to joohyun they flip there hair to turn around and get in to the villa. Jisoo just facepalming how clumsy lisa is.

Wendy can't stop laughing with momo, its a nice welcome to her actually.

" This vacation is going to be fun" wendy said they laugh again and get inside the villa they all gather in seulgi's villa since lunch is coming too.

" Lisa" jisoo call her and she emediately go on her side, jisoo wiping the sands on her face, and saw the bites and scratches.

" Kwangsoo kindly get the clothes, beside the lamp it's her please, thank you" jisoo request kwangsoo run emediately to get it.

" Get a shower and changes clothes, there's a cream on my pouch at the back and put it on your skin" jisoo said.

" Unnie did you see it, its coconut color brown" lisa is laughing so much, its amaze her cause it first time for her to see it, its not like shes being pervert now.

" I know now go" jisoo said she facepalm for the second time, when lisa gone, they all laughing so much, but not the two girls.

" Lisa is amazing" wendy said and they look at her.

" Sorry wendy, hi welcome back" jisoo said and greet her and everyone too, then seulgi saw jennie and joohyun and she decided to tease them more.

" I wonder what lisa like, coconut or melons?" Seulgi said they all confused, then jisoo saw jennie and joohyun look at there front she smack seulgi, then they get it and look at the two.

" Ihateyou!" Both said and flip there hair then walk out, they all laughing again and they high five each other, jisoo just shake her head.

" Your such a bully, go on guys prepared cause lunch will be served soon" jisoo told them and they go, still laughing.

" You! You like coconut or cherry?" Jisoo asked seulgi with glaring eyes, seulgi gulp.

" Of course cherry, with pin~" seulgi didn't continue it since jisoo put her mouth on her lips she kiss seulgi then broke it.

" You can eat cherry later" jisoo said in hussky voice makes seulgi breathing hitch, she calm herself since it makes her hard.

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