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A month already had passed, joohyun need to be in korea now for thoroughly search for priya, lisas schedule for next surgery is in one week from now, chaeyoung will stay for jisoo she still can work in italy, helping seulgi to there plan.

" Nini, your busy this past few days, your busy in ranch?" Lisa asked jennie, Jennie's didn't spend too much time in hospital now since joohyun is there, she wants to give way to them, also shes just in ranch chilling, sometimes gardening since makes her interest on flowers and landscaping.

" Sorry poopoo, just doing gardening, when you get out hospital, the flowers maybe will all bloom" jennie said jisoo is sleeping there, they were just three of them in the room.

" Uhmm ok, wait how do I look?" Lisa asked she never look a mirror or can glimpse a reflection on her.

" Looking as gorgeous as ever" jennie lovingly said lisa smile at her and kiss her nose makes jennie starled, she thought it's in a lips that's why, but jennie calm her heart it not a first time lisa act such like that.

" I'll go ahead I think joohyun unnie will come already don't go out ok?" Jennie asked and lisa nod to her, she's gathering the things not be need in room anymore when the door open, revealing joohyun and seulgi.

" Leaving already?" Seulgi asked she feel pity for her bestfriend but she cant do anything, as jennie assured her she's fine, seulgi got a nod from jennie and she leave and wave her hands to them she close the door didn't hear lisa called her.

" She seems sad nowadays bear, I know something is bothering her" lisa said makes her uneasy seems like jeenie is drifting away, joohyun thought she might know it, jennie is jolly when she's around but when she's in ranch she's only in her room.

" She's ok lis, don't take it seriously ok, trust her" seulgi said and fix jisoo blanket, jisoo I getting thinner but doctor said she will hibernating  the new drugged is getting into her systems.

" Hi my love" seulgi whisper and kiss her bald head already, makes lisa smile on the sight makes her happy that her unnie is happy even her appearance is not happy to see to those who sees her.

" Joojoo, ahmm can we go rooftop? Let's leave bear and unnie some time" lisa said and she nod, seulgi signal them ok lisa is not using wheelchair now, they ride elevator holding hand,

" Joojoo,  when you going back here?" Lisa asked there in rooftop sitting on a bench, joohyuns back resting on Lisa's front.

" Soon babe, I'll be here when you get your third surgery I just have to find someone, the one I'm telling you" joohyun feel lisa nod in agreement.

" Alright when you get back I have something to tell you' lisa said joohyun is curious and her hope is getting high maybe this is what she got after all.

" I can't wait, be well when I'm not here, we can still call each other, just call me anytime ok" joohyun tighten Lisa's arm on here, there breathing is relax so is lisa.

" Before I leave can we go to a date?" Joohyun asked, lisa smile she likes it. Lisa press a kiss on her temple they both giggling.


Jennie is busy on gardening, mina called her to know her presence.

" Hi mina, wassup?" Jennie asked but still plucking some wild grass, mina is just looking at her so she sighed.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now