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" who did this to her?" joohyun thought, careful touching Lisa's face just in seconds, then stare to her features like memorizing each line.

" shes beautiful, no beautiful is understatement, those eyes that i stare for a second, drowned me pulling me" joohyun numble under her breath.

she was just starled when she open the door, its not her intent to scare the person, she somehow expect that the person is in the house since she gives hint  in the letter about the meet up. she put the flower in the vase that she assume its for her, that gives joohyun funny feeling in her stomach.

joohyun fix the fireplace cause its getting cold already, she made tea and wait for lisa to wake up.

" i feel home" irene thought while sipping her tea, in few minutes lisa makes a fuss, signal that shes waking up.

" aaaaaaahhhhhh" lisa shout when she wakes up, then memory recalls her senses.

" note~ flower~ tteokbokki~ cabin " lisa shout again when the door and the ms.owner memory flash on her
then her fear of people attacked to her she's starting to shake.

The attacks is very rare when lisa is stress, especially to new people that saw her. it happens long time ago when some people  visited some part of forest, approach her for the direction, but end up bullying her and attack her, that make jisoo want to kill those arrogant people , since that day when its not from the village people they know she will never listen even shes been called.

" shhhhhhh calmed down calm down" joohyun didn't hesitate to approach and hugged lisa then she rubbed her back and caress her hair, lisa tighten the grip thinking its her jisoo.

" shhhhhhh thats it, breath slowly," still cooing lisa like a baby, then lisa slightly push to broke the hug but irene tighten it more to ..

" im sorry if you think im scared or will hurt you im just startled and nothing more, i already expected that someone will be in the cabin, since i know someone is staying here aside of me, please calm down i dont even know your name yet you already know me right?" joohyun broke the hug trying to lighten the mood and trying to face lisa.

After hearing joohyun explanation, she lift up her head not knowing the distance, the makes lisa eyes gone wide, while backing.

' im '~~ sorry " lisa shyly said

" im here to say thank you and and just drop some food token for allowing me to stay here once in while" lisa stand up and bowed and about to leave.

" aissst you didnt even tell me your name, then how are we going to be friends?{ just like a said in the note" joohyun said with little pout and cute voice, which is rare for the witch, that make lisa melt already and she keep on bowing.

" stop bowing please, lets start again ok?. joohyun stand up and fixing her self and approach lisa with the sweetest smile.

" im joohyun bae and you are? while offering her hand for a shake, patiently waiting for lisa to process everything, then

" im lisa, lisa kim" nervously held joohyun for shake but both flinch when they feel some kind of a shockwave


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