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" Sire good day"  general kjk greeted MR. MANoban

General kjk summoned by Mr. MANoban to do him a favor, his been traveling with his team to track down Wu. its hard to enter country since there is a dimplomatic policy, when mr. MANoban gave them the badge the there family logo and initials, its getting smooth but the thing is.

" When we came to russia, an Intel gave us information that there is biggest drug deal to be happen within russian, chinese and koreans mafia but mr. Wu is not belong on those meeting his there to sabotage and steal the packages. His with unknown guy even the korean defense can't track him." Generally told him and give mr. MANoban pictures.

" We were just watching them in whole process when, Wu attack them there's a huge gun fire, its all happened so fast that the whole compound explode when we attempt to get him on the spot" general kjk show him the footage also and glimpse of Wu captured.

" You know that we should not settled just like this general, you see the family just came out,   the family is growing too and now i have my cousin back, so I want his body general and protect all the people under my household" mr manoban said and gave them the same envelope for the job.

" Yes sire at your service" general kjk salute and leave

" I won't be able to sleep peacefully when I know your still there wu" mr manoban calming his self, they have appointments today for his wife check ups and little vacation for her to heal and talk things out.

" Priya my child where are you?" Mr. MANoban is thinking how he will start to find his son.


" Girls just get anything you want ok which I say anything, get it" jennie said she's with nayeon, joy mina and momo, she text jieun if she can follow but the girl is busy.

" Thank you for this ms kim" mina said she's the shy one among the girls.

" Please no thanks ok, now why you just get that lets go to chanel, girls we will be on that store ok?" Jennie said to them and she brings mina to her.

" Just unnie mina, I feel old with miss were family so ok, now  this looks good on you" jennie said getting the dress and press it to minas body and she get it,

" This one too, you look good in chanel I think we have same taste on fashion" jennie said giving her gummy smile which mina also smile.

" Mina don't be shy, now get what you like and be look good always so that jongyeon won't look to others make her drool over you" jennie get a perfume for her and some new hoodies for lisa.

The mall is close as usual, guards is everywhere too. As she promise to seulgi just 4 hours, which they use it wisely.

" Even I don't wear this she will drool on me unnie" mina said boldly which jennie smirk proud of her.

" There you are now lets shop on lingerie"  jennie is excited she also want buy new ones for farm vacation too.


" Thank you unnie" everyone said when guards load the paper bag on other car which is full.

" Don't mention it ok, now let go home I want to give lisa her presents and cats new clothes" jennie taking some selfies with nayeon.

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