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After lisa drop off the man she comeback for the woods that she put aside. Lisa as usual humming and happy coz she help someone.

While on her way she picks berries and flowers, she's thinking what  first things to do tommorow.

lisa likes to plan on what she will do, like what is more time consuming , what is lighter to do and needed around, coz she likes to be lazy after specially now that jisoo buy her tablet with movies and she is so hooked up in frozen 1 and 2, just recently she messaged jisoo for copy of frozen 3 and 4 coz she believes there's a continuation on that movie.

" ohh yeah winter is coming , i will ask chichunnie 🎶 do you wanna be build a snowman🎶 ehehehe" lisa giggling on her way she even sang few of the song and pretend to be olaf and horse is even a victim of her silliness.

That day she do her things and never forgot to eat but   lisa is lisa, naughty lisa as always before her meal she sneak to eat a piece of sweet.

" Just a little, hihihi ill eat my food of course, unnie will be mad i eat sweet before meal" but she did it anyway chocolate is a bad temptation to lisa.


Lisa is so excited to lay, she wash up and everything, she bring cheese rings which jisoo bring her in last visit, in her fotton bed and water and chocolate cause she's about to watch movie title LION KING.

Lisa was to engrossed in the movie she didn't hear the rain outside is so hard, coz she wears headset, she just feel something that its getting colder so she takes off her headset.

" OMG! Its raining! " lisa immediately leave her bed then get her jacket to put woods in there heater at the back and check if the rain captured funnel that attached to a drum is fix, then she heard the horse neighing.

" OMG! Its raining! " lisa immediately leave her bed then get her jacket to put woods in there heater at the back and check if the rain captured funnel that attached to a drum is fix, then she heard the horse neighing

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She run were the stable is, lisa is already wet the rain is getting harder and  wind is strong. When she get there the part of the stable was collapsed, she untied the horse to bring it in back of the house where the horse can stay for a while good thing the back of tge kitchen is spacious.

When she's about to go out a part of a thick and heavy wood drop in lisas head. That's make lisa stumbled and feel dizzy, she shrugged it and stand up to proceed, she even fight her dizziness and pain, she bring the horse safely.

Lisa still manage to stand she keep wipping water in her head before she get inside, when she close the door, she touch her head above in her forhead coz she feels now the pain is unbearable and she cant fight her eyes thats about to close.

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