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Its been a months now since lisa talk, but she just talk to her unnie like jisso and jieun but she take glances to us, then more glaring to seulgi, she's a cute one on her mind set at 17 buts it's ok if she forget about us, me.

I saw her sometimes staring at me and she blush everytime I greet her or jennie, maybe she have crushes on us even before she's soft to us but I'm not competing towards it, I'm more thankful she's alive and here with us.

We still don't know what her state mentally since she don't want to talk to others, jieun said this is at her age she's curios and hiding her persona, or because of what happened it might be there's a chance there gone, no luca no lily and Limario.

I just hope her anger towards her abandonment is gone also, we have a lot of questions we want to asked on her, but we can't cause from time to time she suffer headache.

Now unnie is in laboratory she wants to go with her but she's not allowed in there too much radiation to her is not good. Jieun is with unnie cause lisa is glaring so much to seulgi everytime she's near to her unnie.

We stay here inside the room, jennie and me seulgi and chaeyoung are here too, the rascal is doing something, they insist to help us in our work and also finding Jennie's sister is on the process again.

We stop doing or thing when lisa sit on the bed fidgeting. Then she's looking something on the room even in her bed.

" Lisa you need something?" Chaeyoung asked and she nod.

" My bag a duckie bag did I bring it here?" She asked still looking every corner of the room but seating. As we all remember she don't have duckie bag.

" Nope, maybe you left it on the farm let's asked your unnie about it when she's back ok?" Chaeyoung suggest but she shake her head and regret it after and she hold it.

" Don't shake your head lili, see you'll get dizzy" I said but she blush, oh I understand the pet name.

" Lili?" She asked and I nod to her.

" Your my lili and" I wait to jennie and she went near too.

" Your my poopoo" jennie said smiling and there shes red now.

" Ohh okay ahh don't tell unnie about my bag" she said and we encourage her to say something she's shy one.

" I have money there, can I Barrow money I'll give you more if you you let lend me 1000 won" she said she's cute she's negotiating and we want to know why.

" Of course, but what will you do to with the money" seulgi asked she rolled her eyes, oh my ghad she's cute on this attitude seulgi just chuckled on her.

" I want chocolate milk please its been ages unnie didn't buy me cause I'm grounded" ohhh my we all giggling on her.

" Why are you grounded again?" Jennie asked we like to asked her so she will talk more and be comfortable with us, she pout.

" I ate milk powder it's just I didn't notice it that I finish the can" she said ohh my ghad she's really is the cutest, I hear them awes to her.

Unnie really discipline her if needed, then she lift her face and give us her puppy eyes.

" Ottokkeeee" jennie said I know she can't handle this cuteness even me, and also this two who's spoiling her even before.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now