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After they watch the sunset, they go back inside,no one wants to speak, they are contented only to hear there breathings. Joohyun start there dinner, she pull out the ingredients out from the fridge, then lisa wash and slice it, by looking of the ingredients lisa knows what joohyun is going to make she smile at joohyun that she remembered her favorite.

They were working in rhythm, stealing glance from time to time. Few little brush of touch, giving smiles when there eyes meet. They survived being like that, till the cooking is done. Lisa being gentlewoman she lead joohyun to her seat before her.

joohyun put dishes in Lisa's plate, pouring water, so does lisa, they are disgustingly cute, there heart is warm.

" I like this feeling, i dont know how to discribe this but i like how it feels, now i can say that past few days i think of her because i miss her, yeah" Lisa thought, its different feeling when she misses jisoo thats why shes confused but she just enjoying it.

" She's precious, she's so pure, she's purely a definition of magic, and she exist in front of me, and i will never let her go, i do everything in my power to be with her, protect her with my life" joohyun thought just by looking at lisa the emptiness in her heart is filled by lisas presence alone.

Halfway through there dinner, joohyun speak.

" Ahem lisa how are you, tell me what you do this past few days I want to hear it" joohyun want to knows what lisa do and happening so she don't miss and know her more.

" If only you want to" not to be prying or Lisa to misunderstood her purpose.

" Hmm it's ok joojoo I loved to share stories and I have it" lisa is excited, she share about jisoos visit with friends, the picnic the farming and fishing cooking but she misses something like mentioning tger names, lisa think what it is and she remembers the stable.

" Ahh and the stable collapsed also when that time, it rained so hard before unnie came, I hit my head and I got fever hihihi yeah then unnie came next day and also they ride on plane and ~" lisa didn't finish what when joohyun stand up and

" Lili are you still hurt let me, OMG there still a wound" joohyun panic, but the wound she saw, it's already healing, she cupped Lisa face checking it with little gap makes Lisa face in heat.

" Your red do you still have a fever are you cold?". Joohyun is typically rambling, shes about to grabe her phone to call someone to ready the ride. Lisa hold her hand and rub it.

" Joojoo relax I'm good, I'm fine and it's healing look it already dried and I don't have fever" lisa said in calming tone which joohyun breath.

" Thank God so this why few days ago I can't sleep something is bothering me, and its you something happened to you" joohyun share her feelings.

They both look each other's eyes and stare for good few seconds, and joohyun realize how close she was

" Aaahmmm I'm sorry, it's good to know your now ok, please tell me if you feel something ok" joohyun back being shy.

" Cute" lisa whisper but joohyun hear it and she wants to screamed.

They finish there dinner quietly and both work and clean the table and dishes, joohyun said she want to stargaze which lisa agreed.

They are now in balcony upstair, joohyun set up an electric heater and lay on airbed and pillows and blankets to warm them, they also have Thermos with hot chocolate.

They sat and stay quiet, but joohyun was thinking something.

" A plane with her sister friend, maybe her sister is working for rich person, her sister want to meet me why? Maybe she don't trust the person easily since lisa is in concern, will reasonable enough, wait she have phone cause that kitten gave her number, I don't like kitten" joohyun is to engrossed of that kitten Lisa shares

" Lisa you mentioned that your sister want to know me I'm good with it, I'll give you my card to give it to her ok" joohyun tell then it's good if she also have her sister blessing,

" Hahaha what I'm thinking blessing for what our marriage? Hahahah silly yeah hahaha wait marriage with Lisa ok hahhaa yeah why not OMG I should ask professional whats in my head" joohyun is rumbling in her thoughts and blush

" Ahh about that she want you to call her if your in city, maybe set a meeting, its ok if not shes just you know a protective sister, cause she want to know who is my friend and your the first one I tell her" lisa then she remembers

" Joojoo you want to go with me in my place I will, take you to the place me and my sister hang.out and live." lisa invite her

" And I just want to show you how I live if you want too if not it's ok we can stay here," lisa suggest

". I love it lili, of course, we should sleep now so we can go early what do you think?" Joohyun is surely excited and want to have a glimpse of what lisa do, she just want to have some memory of lisa and imagined it her in everyday living.

" Okok, I'll be down stair if you need me just call me there ok" lisa stand up readying herself.

" Silly , we can sleep here in my room the bed is surely fit for 5 person you see, I don't bite Lili" she tease lisa she really want to be near with Lisa.

" Hhmm if, yeaaahh sure I don't mind it's not our first time to sleep right?" Lisa just don't want joohyun be uncomfortable in anyway that's why she don't suggest some things that requires privacy.

" Hahhaa of course and her Lili I got you something" joohyun pull all shopping bags for lisa, hoodie pants, sweater and scarfs, gloves and mountain boots chocolate and others.

" Ahhhh joojoo it's not my birthday, and I can't accept this this just too many you know and I just can't accept gifts like this it looks expensive, you don't have to waste money joojoo" lisa is overwhelmed, she accepted the last time joohyun give coz it's first but this one is just too many and its expensive.

" Please accept this, just think of it as my belated birthday and Christmas present please" joohyun defense she will be hurt if Lisa didn't accept it, thought she knows this just too much for lisa to take but she cant help to spoil the cutie.

" Sighed just promise me this will be the last joojoo, I don't want to abuse your kindness to me but thank you, now I don't know how I'm going to say this if my sister saw this stuff" lisa is thankful but little burden how to explain it too jisoo

" About that I will explain when I came back to the city I will contact her, is that ok?" Joohyun fix lisas bangs even it's not a mess it's a habit gesture she have for lisa, and lisa just nod and they both get up to prepare the bed.

They both lay with space in between of course both them think that they don't want to make each other uncomfortable,

" Goodnight Lili" joohyun face lisa
" Goodnight joojoo" Lisa face her and smile.

they both close there eyes with a smile. There heart beat at the same time.


RE.READ CHAPTERS then gosh the typo and errors and grammar but to lazy for editing..hahahha.. Hulu pero di kulong!

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