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" I really want to have grandchildren sooner cause I'm getting old and so is jeiun but, don't do it her in the kitchen" mrs. Lee speak as she caught them smooching.

Jeiun and chaeyoung can't even say a word, they just been caught, there about to run in there room.

" Kids don't be to loud ok, I think jennie is still sleeping hahahah" mrs lee tease them more and that makes the two turn red as tomato and both run in there respected room, both slam there door and lean clutching there heart.

" Shit what was that" both said at the same time and also touch there lips and smile.


" Jezzz what was that?" Jennie asked when they both heard the door slam, jennie is eating already when joohyun get in jennie is already awake and spacing out even her head is aching.

" Slowdown jen, after you eat drink this pill ok" joohyun said and jennie nod giving her the smile, after she ate she said her excuse to take shower then joohyun asked her if she will go with her to hospital but she declined telling her she have something to do, she learned also what happened to lisa but choose not to call them since it's enough for her to know she's alright.

Jennie thought the guards bring her back, and joohyun didn't tell her more, cause it obvious jennie don't want to talk about it.

Joohyun leave ahead since everyone is not yet ready, but decided to meet on lunch to eat with couple and lisa.

" This is not me anymore, I'm hurting myself and lisa and everyone around me what happened to you jennie?" Jennie thought look at herself in the mirror, she have so many negative thoughts and also she have a video meeting later on, she was think maybe it's sign.

" Yeah it will be good, for everyone" jennie talk to herself and smile as she continues to shower. Jennie still in her thoughts,


" Joojoo, look I'm writing Nini a letter to cheer her up" lisa is awake now and she already do is to write a letter as she remembers to cheer jennie. Joohyun smile to her.

" Hmm wow that's good she will be delight on it and gave her the energy she needed, are you hungry?" Joohyun asked jisoo is sleep and seulgi is outside take calls.

" Yeaah but for lunch can we have samgyupsal and also milk ice cream I'll gave it to Nini" lisa request and joohyun said yes in heartbeat seeing lisa smile its enough for her, lisa continue writing as joohyun feed her fruits, seulgi get in and saw them then peek on jisoo still sleeping.

" Seul we need to set up the meeting hall since we all have lunch later here, this big baby request samggyup and milk ice cream, can you call jennie" joohyun said as she whispered the last one as seulgi get the hint and nod to her,

Lisa is humming a song, then she stop and sighed then lay on the bed she's thinking deep, for some she will be weird but for them its a normal thing to them, lisa have a change of mood in a snap, joohyun just caress her head and message seungri about the hall and food.


They are all now with the rascal and chaeyoung and jeiun is there jennie is late but she will come as seulgi seriously tell her to come.

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