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its 3 am and one person is already awake, lisa body clock back like she's in farm, she wear her coat and boots, proper clothing not to catch colds she kiss jisoo before she went out.

She slowly walking and go to the kitchen, she feed her pets and the cats tailing her already, she put woods on heater, then she put spikes on her boots sho she won slip, she knows it's dangerous for her so she wear her special bonnet.

Before she went outside she start the fire to make something for them, then she get her shovel to clear the pathway then in the patio also, it's not snowing anymore but the pile of snow still there, she even get salt so it won't slippery for everyone.

" I miss this" lisa said as she blows some air and it formed some smoke, then she start shoving pathway in kitchen while waiting for the water to boiled. Then the sliding door open revealing jisoo.

" Lisa" she wake up cause lisa is not on her side.

" Unnie still early, go back" lisa shooing jisoo to go back to sleep, but nope jisoo somehow miss this too, she check Lisa's clothes first.

" Its ok I miss this too just us like this early in morning in farm" jisoo said and she fix Lisa's scarf.

" Me too unnie it feels like I'm gone for a long time" lisa as she shove on side part where the stock of woods pile.

" Me too, what do you want to eat I will cook" jisoo asked lisa, which lisa is happy cause she misses jisoos cooking.

" Unnie anything, iloveyou unnie" lisa sweetly said kiss jisoo, and she do as well, jisoo remind her to be careful and not too far, jisoo starting to pull out ingredients, they are big group, she happy the manoban will come before Christmas so it's ok, jisoo make light meal for lisa first hot chocolate with mallows.
Lisa help jisoo in the kitchen its 5 in the morning when helpers came in.

" I'm sorry mrs.kang young miss, let us do the work" sunmi said helper from bae along with yuqi and solbi enter the kitchen and bowed to them.

" Nonsense it's ok beside I know my kitchen so well, relax its ok you sleep" jisoo said but they shook there head, they are embarrassed already and they are pay so well than regular helper in a household.

" Tsk just relax, ok you can help want some tea,? I can't offer you hot chocolate" jisoo jokely said and lisa rolled her eyes to them, they know Lisa's little obsession on chocolate so they understand there master she's precious to them as well.

" I'm making it mrs. Kang, so what we can help you ?" Sunmi and yuqi fix there hair and apron, solbi put wood on heater they are working altogether lisa forget already about helping them, she's enjoying her hot chocolate.

As time passing kwangsoo and Aunt miran same as the guards and jinhyuk, they are in casual clothes in there winter attire but still working woke up, they emediately  help the siblings the guards shovel the snow and piling some chopping woods.

Jisoo make them tea and light snack before breakfast.  Later seulgi look for them and she saw jisoo in kitchen smiling talking to the helper lisa is on the fire pit, seulgi snake her arms to jisoo and hugged her, jisoo starled but emediately relax to a familiar warm.

" Goodmorning honey want some tea or coffee?" Jisoo asked seulgi just hummed loving the warm of jisoo,

" Good morning too honey, you woke up early?" Seulgi asked kiss jisoo and nod

" Yeah lisa woke up before me, like her usual self she's happy seul I can see that" jisoo looking at lisa she's peaceful just by sitting there looking at her sorroundings.

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