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The days seulgi and jennie spent has been cut off, well it's 3 magnificent days, they bond and chill they released toxic energy they have in there body cause of years of stress, they rejuvenate in short periodt of time.

Suelgi received a notification that she got an emailed, jisoo accompany her where they could get a good spot for signal, and of course seulgi is glad that they have alone time, since lisa still a possessive baby to jisoo, they talk stuff aside from work, its more on personal since they are comfortable with each other, jisoo learned that both jennie and seulgi is only child, but suelgi parents is all dead. Jisoo dont ask personal details thats why.

When seulgi decide to fly, jennie also come with seulgi to city, leaving jisoo. They want jisoo to talk and think, giving her days off before going back to the city. They know jisoo want to bond and settled lisa first, seulgi tell jisoo that she will send something for jisoo the day after she left, that jisoo refuse whatever it is, but suelgi assured her its not extravagant just a small token for a great accomodations.

Jennie on the other hand promise that she will comeback if the time has given. She even shamelessly give lisa a hug then a piece of paper with her number on it then run. Lisa just shake her head for jennie being cute, yeah she admit jennie is cute.


its evening and the two settled after dinner they want to lay down and cuddle.

" Lisa tell me what are you thinking right now" jisoo said, she just want to know how lisas feel.

" Hmmm for tommorow i plow the land, that where the plane land its ruined, should i clear an area where they could land if ever they come back?" Lisa said tho thats what she think, but thats not what jisoo mean, jisoo just facepalm herself.

" Sometimes i was thinking too if should banned you to chocolates you know? Lisa baby thats not what i mean tsk" lisa was laughing she like too tease her unnie too, but she really know what jisoo want to know.

" Im sorry unnie im just messing with you but listen" lisa want to express everything for jisoo coz no matter what jisoo is her life, she take a deep breath and sit properly and look into jisoos eyes.

" Unnie first of all thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, second i want you to know that i love you so much and third please whatever happen dont blame yourself cause i dont like it coz its never been your fault stop beating up yourself"losa told her the jisoo want to speak but she put her finger to jisoo lips to shut it, lisa continue

" Unnie i want you to think of yourself too, want you to be happy, let me take care of you too, i know you want me to have surgery right? thats why you work in city but unnie, the scar in my face is who i am, im used to it and im dealing with it, i know you are worried this will be a hindrance but no, you tell me and feel me that its not about appearance, i want to be strong for you and for myself, i let this scar stay, this will be my radar to know peoples attitude towards me,hihihi but unnie please im doing and im trying to overcome my fear, im not baby anymore but im still your baby ok". Lisa dont want to be burden through all her life and be slave in her scar, whatever the cause of it she dont care anymore, what matters most is today and tommorow and jisoo and future,

Jisoo is crying mess, she cant believe lisa is growing,

" Dont leave me lisa ok, dont grow up yet, we will make our dreams come true, i love you lisa" jisoo lean and kiss lisas forehead,

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