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" I'll be here ok, just relax cause I'm here, I'll hold your hand" jisoo said they are now in operating room. Lisa is now under anesthesia, but still she's holding jisoos hand.

" Hmmmmm, hmmmm" jisoo hummed her a song makes lisa dozed off. Jisoo is delighted when seulgi tells her about it that lisa takes the step already.

Everyone is outside waiting for them, the doctor said it will just take 1 hour to be exact, then the second surgery will take place when the operation is fully healed and all.

" Can we set up her gaming set on their room she be bored in her healing process, we don't want complain when she decide to play around" jennie said to them that makes them realize she right.

" Your right, I'll call kwang soo asked the doctor about her cats to makes her busy if she with them" seulgi said and dialled her phone and they speak.

" The hospital will be ok with every request we have, the manoban instruct them already when they know seulgi's girlfriend and her sister is here" joohyun said makes them nod and realized MANoban is really powerful.

" Chipmunk let's buy some snacks outside" jieun said cause she's been spacing out earlier, chaeyoung just nod to her and she dragged her out.


" Are you ok?" Jieun asked, they go to the garden. Then chaeyoung cry.

" Hey, just let it out" jieun patted her back, chaeyoung bowed down and sobbing jieun knows it, now it's sink in.

" I thought~ I'm good eun I thought im ok with but it's hurt so much, knowing that seulgi is planning to propose soon" chaeyoung said between her cry, jieun is not surprised about the proposal since seulgi asked her first, before lisa.

" Its hurts, she's sick, its hurts her smile not for me, it hurts that I didn't even try to show how much I love her and it hurts that she can never be mine" chaeyoung burst out all her emotions she bottled up.

" Lets go, man up lets go somewhere" jieun said she can't takes this so she needs to do something.


" Look at her, she's so precious right?" Jisoo  said to them they are now in there room, lisa still sleeping while her mouth is open.

" I think she have a good dream when were in there cause she smile" jisoo said caressing her hand and.

" Guys go home, take a rest I'll see you all tomorrow that's mean all, seul go home take rest ok" jisoo said and they nod, they won't argue with that.

" All right love, I'll send kwang soo to bring the dinner would you like something else?" Seulgi asked, she also need to talk to others in korea.

" Chocomilk in thermos love, and her onsei she complained about hospital dress" jisoo said

" How about you love" seulgi asked seems jisoo thinks for lisa not herself.

" Nothing more I'm fine but call me later I will miss you" jisoo said makes seulgi smile and kiss her.

" See you tomorrow unnie, we will bring the breakfast, call  if there's anything else" jennie said and she get used clothes to be washed.

" Take care ok, send chaeyoung and jiuen message, that two didn't back since, find them please, I want to know there ok" jisoo said and they nod.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now