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Jisoo is in the village as usual, she deliver the crops and buy something for them, shes thinking to buy porkbelly for todays dinner, since lisa mention she crave for it in the morning and of course chocolate. While roaming around the market someone call her.

"yah turtle rabbit ! whattafuk !?" a very load man about in same age as jisoo, mino son of mrs. Song,  jisoo run to meet him half way, mino is one of only few real friend of jisoo also lisa though shes still not interact to them.

" yo man i thought your in big city! and you didnt tell us if your mother didnt say so!" jisoo jab minos stomach not too strong though.

"yeah and im here because of you," while wiggling his brow teasing jisoo like a maniac.

" ewwwww not fan of incest dude whattafuck!" she's about to hit mino but.

"hahhahaaah just joking ok , i got it im not your type" mino tease her even more.

"yeah yeah so wassup? jisoo ask while they sat in nearby soju tent.

"yeah yeah so wassup? jisoo ask while they sat in nearby soju tent

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(Minus the building 🤧)

" remember what you told me that your saving for lisa for the operation thing and still not enough?"
mino said, and jisoo is about to say something mino cut her off

" i know what you thinking ok, its not money from us, its a job offer jisoo." mino said, he senses hesitation from jisoo

" the job is in the city jisoo but the salary is quite hight than the income of delivery, maybe within a year you can fill up your savings, and also for lisas educational fund right,i know you dont want to left lisa alone but think of this jisoo, the job is not illegal" mino convincing jisoo, he want to help his friend and lisa coz the siblings he consider as siblings

" what kind of job ?" jisoo said

" personal assitant of RUBYJANE KIM" mino said, excitement is obvious in his face.

"WHO?" clueless jisoo, and dumbfounded mino, he just facepalm his self he forgot that the siblings live under the rock.

" i forgot you live under the rock, she's a model, ok a popular person in a city, she personaly want someone to be her assistant that not from the city, someone just doing her/his job not meddling in her business , her make up artist is friend of mine ask her to find someone then, the friend of mine ask me if i can find one for them, theeeennn wahhhhhla you pop  in my mind that's why im here!' mino said like rapping

" ok lemme process all that stuff coz all i understand is job and salary" jisoo response with confuse face

" haist this turle, look salary is high, job is simple be an assistant, its simple its easy for you , you even finish school and vocational course so its just simple" mino said looking at jisoo.

" just think of it ill be back to city in 6 days ,if you what to talk about it more and think more then just give me answer you know where to find me dude." while drinking the soju

jisoo arrived home still processing everything in her mind, shes spacing out so much , she didn't even  notice her monkey is in front of her.

" unnie are you ok?. lisa touch jisoos forehead, and check if she's sick or hurt, jisoo look lisa in the eye that broke her in deep thoughts.

"ohhhh im ok just thinking" jisoo said not to make lisa worried

" what about it unnie, you can tell me" lisa worriedly ask

" ahh im just thinking since were having samgyupsal  maybe i can let you taste soju now since your old enough!" while giving lisa a laugh, she dont want to tell it to lisa coz even her she's still dont have the answer. this is going to be difficult for jisoo to left lisa her alone but she really want to do this also.

She abandoned the thoughts for now coz they will have drinking lessons.

" grandma help me to decide".

cont. goooiiioiiiiioiinyt

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