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" don't touch jennie!!!" LiSa shout before she get loose on choi rope, and it all happen so fast  , before they rescued them choi is dead


" THEY WANT YOU DEAD" choi words keep running in my head good thing his dead thanks to limario, I'm still here lily and luca still here they are me and Limario we can't get rid them off, after that incident we all swear that no one will get harm again.

I know that they were after something but I don't care no one will hurt my love ones they are my family. Literally have have mix feelings, but heck I'll do everything for them. To make my unnie happy I'll take the surgery, it somehow makes me happy to get rid of this scar.

When seulgi decide to bring us in italy I like it, me and Nini talk about it too what we will do in italy, before we go to italy i hear jongyeon and the rest of the gang well the rascal as what they called there's selves I should change there names like, avengers? Like duuh the rascals is so old anyway.

I heard them someone is really after them like money I know seulgi is loaded and the rest, its just me and unnie and jieun unnie are not rich but were not broke but anyway we're not rich, I am here now in front of rascal house.

" I know I can find something in here, forgive me all huhu" I said they are all outside it was just me kwangsoo well some of the stuff here, but they know i don't like being disturb when I'm in my room, now I'm not in my own cause I want to know something.

I unlocked the door and it's my first time to roam my eyes woooah, I like it it's like from the movie. I check first if there's someone but no.

" Ok lets copy now" I don't have to turn on the device as soon as I see the mother board I insert the device, I got this with help of kwangsoo well he don't know what is this for, I wait for a minute then it's finish. I hurriedly run to my room and check it on my laptop. I love this laptop Nini gave it to me its high-tech and latest.

" Hmmmmm let's seeeee"  I wait to download it and I open it makes me frown and im right.



" Young miss, they got him already, its finished lets go home your unnie is worried" kwangsoo said, he send me food, his alibi, his from market which is true, funny is I'm just near at the ranch, I saw this old wine storage house there's an underground also, kwangsoo clean it for me before.

How i dragged kwangsoo about this lets say, nothing he just do it, he said it's good and support me see. Anyway I know cause if it's not me they can't find him. I'm a total genius.

" I know, but I talked to her by heart, this will end soon just want to finish this so, no one can ruined us to live on peaceful life" I said and really just want to have happy life, after I know unnie is sick I want to die but unnie will be sad and I don't like that,  she promised me too I know she will fight so do I.

I'm sorry to say this but my friends and bear is dumb, there technique and strategies are for newbies that's why nini fake father can easily hide to them, we also have his bastard now his here with us.

We caught him when his about to capture Nini, tsk I should beheaded him but lily is against it. Anyway we still need to capture the one who burn our house in korea it's shin rok his alive lucky idiot.

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