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Suelgi and jennie go back to the plane to pull some stuff in there, good thing some outfits is still there and other stuff, suelgi really put things in plane, because sometimes when life gets tough, the two of them just fly somewhere just to escape.

Everything is set, from snack to lunch food, jisoo and lisa load the baskets with food in the cart, lisa is grateful the horse is not hurt. They put blankets and towels, drinking water, lisa leave some space for someone to sit, as usual she took responsibility this kind of things.

Earlier jisoo give lisa the boxes, and lisa is so happy,  jisoo gave her a guitar, she always want to have it but she dont asked for it, lisa and jisoo is practical. Lisa promise jisoo to take care of it and one day she will sing for jisoo using it, and jisoo looking forward to it of course.

Lisa loving the cat flushies so much, and pajama what lisa love so much, its a cat onesie, she even wear it while loading stuff, jisoo captured it who is cute on lisa is.

Lisa loving the cat flushies so much, and pajama what lisa love so much, its a cat onesie, she even wear it while loading stuff, jisoo captured it who is cute on lisa is

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The duo get back saw it, jennie run to lisa and sequel how cute lisa.

" Ommo look at your so cuteeeeeee" jennie said and make lisa starled and her eyes went big Jisoo saw it she's about to signal jennie dont, but she wants to know what will lisa reaction now, to jisoos surprise.

Jennie is smiling giving lisa her gummy smile. Then lisa looking at her eyes wide open, jennie really forgot what her actions towards lisa, she just do what her heart desire to her surprise too.

" Kitten " she patted jennies head and smile then turn around get back to her doings. That make jennie blushing mandu.

Jisoo cant believe it, her baby is loosen up already and it's a good sign, lisa is getting better in interaction with confidence. Jennie run to jisoo and suelgi who's standing in front of door watching them.

" Unnie, seul you see that, she call me kitten and she patted my head, never thought also she's that tall" jennie is all giddy and hyper after she's being a kid that you give candy, her smile never leave her face.

" Lisa baby, change you clothes now were going in a minute" jisoo tell lisa, which lisa answer in sweetest way, she kiss her cheek before she enter the house to change.

" She's such a sweetie and soft to you jisoo, and now shes loosen up to jennie too, can we get along?" Suelgi is sulking, she want lisa too for approval soon when time come for her to ask jisoo to court, yeah thats how advance seulgi now for her future. Jisoo patted her back and.

" Play with her any games let her lose, she will lost coz she's sucks at games, when shes gets mad let her win at the end she will be happy, give her chocolate too its always work" jisoo reveal some of her secret to tame lisa and its so many ways that jisoo store.

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