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Days passed by and its two days more before mino going back to the city, jisoo still cant decide not until now she saw lisa looking through the mirror tracing her scar with a tears in her eyes, then whole day lisa is being sulky and down. that makes jisoo heartbroke and decide to do her best for lisa. that evening after dinner jisoo decide to talk to lisa and tell her her plan hoping lisa understand.

"lisa can we talk, i have something to tell you" jisoo told lisa while patting the seat beside her.

" what is it unnie" not looking to jisoo

" i will go to city in mainland you know SEOUL " trying to confirm if lisa is  listening.and lisa look her in the eye with no emotion.

" yes unnie Seoul is big do you have delivery there?" a very innocent answer jisoo take her deepest breath and decide to drop the bomb.

" no lisa its not delivery, im going to work there for maybe a year or so but if i have time ill be back here i just have to you know ahhhm yeaaah work" trying to convince lisa without telling her its for her, coz she knows for sure lisa will not take it. but lisas response make jisoo shookt.

" when?" lisa coldly said and jisoo tell her two days from now that mino will accompany her to new job.

" i see, your tired of me already unnie, i can't blame you, you take care of me my whole life, just like my biological parents right they throw me away ,!" lisa said quietly sobbing while spitting those words, hurt and anger and everything not so nice is like a venom that shot through jisoos heart and panic that's how lisa think.

" dont lie unnie, i know it already, i was younger that time i heared you grandma talk, im not your real sister and i thought an--and " lisa let out a loud sob and her personality change like a 5 years old like throwing tantrums.

" yo u u dont looovve me unnie, yoouu willl throw me toooo ju just like theeeem!" jisoo is beyond shookt she dont know what to say, she tightly hugged her but lisa is pushing her away but jisoo hugging her more.

"ssshhhhhh baby baby i will never do that to you i love you so much that i will do everything just to make you happy and safe, please stop crying let me explain." jisoo console lisa til lisa fall asleep she fix lisas position and also lay beside her and hugged her while sobbing.

" i love you so much my lisa, unnie will do anything for you im so so sorry " jisoo quietly sobbing thinking what she will do to convince lisa understands her better, she just want what she knows is better for lisa.


Lisa  wake up in the, coz she wants to think, before she go she put blanket and a note, that  stating not to worry she just need time, she kiss her unnie forehead and go out.

Lisa hike little out of the land they used to roam. She go to her secret place a cliff with a cabin, the cabin is abandon but its close. years before she try to open it but remember that its rude, she just stay little far from cabin and make her own wood tent which is more near on the cliff, when she got there she make a fire coz its cold.

in an hour she fall asleep, then the cabin door open, the person notice the bonfire, the person took the bat inside for protection thinking its a bulgar, but the person about to hit lisa,  stop.

" beautiful why is she crying, i can feel the pain what she's goin through, maybes shes the one who build this shed"   she let lisa alone hoping to see her again.


Lisa woke up since the sun hit her face, what makes her smile is  the view that welcome her,

Lisa woke up since the sun hit her face, what makes her smile is  the view that welcome her,

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" pabo lisa you should not blame unnie for what happen i can see and feel she loves me you should say sorry" lisa talk to herself and shes about to get up but she stop when she notice that theres a coat and scarf, lisa panic and get out from tent but no trace, she grab the coat and sniff it a little and ahe recognize the scent, its lavander and she knew it belongs to a woman.

the scent calm her, and helps her to be in proper mind. like she always do before she leaves she clean firts the area and so the cabin porch. she notice a violet paper in front of the door.


im the owner of this cabin i saw you sleeping outside i thought your an intruder, sorry i almost hit you with a bat, anyway im going to trust my judgement that your a good person, i assume you're here because of the sunrise its beautiful isn't it? me too i love this place too bad i only visit here when i have time.

as my judgement say i will let you stay here the key of the cabin is in top of porch pole on right side if you face the sun, i trust you with this for i dont know why. if my judgement is not right, then i have my ways to find you, hihihi its not a threat, anyway enjoy staying anytime you want if someday we well meet at the same time we came here lets be friends.


and lisa walking back with a smile that can light up the world

cont  cliche things coming boring story..hahhaha

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