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Two teenage boys playing in the lake, its was early in the morning but they are so hyper, they been assigned today to catch fish, but the two completely forgot there task. They stop when someone yell to them.

" WO, SU !!!!! what do think your doing!?' where are the fish the younger ones is hungry!." the panting nun said

" sorry sister were on it already, we will catch many dont worry ok, were going to have a feast" su said while giving hight five to Wu.

" well then, im going back, going to prepare something, someone will going to visit the orphanage just be quick you too will catch cold than fish haissst" the nun going back to her way.

the two boys proceed to catch fish and the atmosphere is somehow serious.

" su who do you thing the visitor is ? a charity man or foster parent to be?" wu asked somehow hopeful that he will be adapt and dream to have family, but not happy also that he will be away to his bestfriend.

" i dont know wu but both of option is will be good, about adaption im not hoping for it, im happy here already im going to help this orphanage the nuns is my family and you, but but if ever someone will adapt you i will be so happy that your dream will come true just dont forget you will buy me chocolate ok?" su genuinely said

They are  very opposite, but stick like a glue they are in the same age same year they live with nun. The boys grow up with unbreakable bond, the nun thought they are siblings but no they're not.

They finish there fishing just half hour which the pail is half full. they happly go to kitchen to give to the nun cook. they happly eat breakfast and chores and preapre later on for the lunch for the visitor.


The people in the orphanage lined up since the time is almost there for visitors arrival, the nun busy fixing children's clothing's, so  as Wu and Su, but Su is more attentive to the younger one as for Wu focus  and hoping that maybe even his old to adapt his still hoping.

Then the visitor arrived in very luxurious car, the driver open the door to the person whos riding it, a man on his 50's stood up with all his might and glory, in his aura speak wealth and power and behind the man is a teenage girl peaking behind.



bear with me its a little long ass story..eeehh sorry typo and grammar toooo lazy to check it..hahahha

wannabe author

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