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A mansion with no life, dull colorless, empty, void, but aside from that, hatred, sadness  and longing thats what you can feel once you look in her eyes.

" I've been trapped in this place for so long, trapped in his side that i disgust the most, how can i escape in this place" she mentally yelled

" i been pretending for so long that it start to test my sanity but i have to be strong i will die here but i will bring  the devil it self with me but how?. even though i can move and all but i cant do anything the devil have eyes everywhere" crying her frustration out

"  i know your still alive my child, hold on im coming for you wait a little more" thats all she can do crying for missing the child, but she will finally put an end to the curse they put her into.


" SIR.  this are all the new lead we got sir, some other evidence also we gather and place and the person is in our custody, the picture was just yesterday.

" dismiss, i call you after"

while waiting for minute after the person left him in his office, he finally reach for picture and the tears he bottled for so long, burst like an unstoppable fall.

" i know your alive my love i know" sobbing, whimpering in mix emotion he got

" wait for me i will get you!"

" wait for me i will get you!"

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" im sorry"

" ehh stop saying sorry come lets sit, are you ok now please drink this tea this will calm you" joohyun said with full of concern, but still gives lisa a smile with assurance that its ok.

lisa supposed to say sorry again but refuse not to embarrassed herself again

" thank you ms. joohyun, ~ i have something for you let me get it" lisa stands up and get were she put the tteobboki

Lisa sat next to joohyun without thinking how close she was, all she think is to give it to her, she's just excited to know if she will like it.

" here ms. i cooked this for you, my sister help me with this but not technically, i mean in a note she help  its not bad unlike my sister is a good cook but i hope you like this ms. its my favorite" lisa talk so much when she's nervous

Joohyun is in awe looking at lisa fixing the food in front of her, the thing is all happen in slow motion.

" she's really beautiful and cute when shes nervous, those scars makes her hot and gosh what purfum she uses, its intoxicating and OMG did i just check her out!?" joohyun choke for swallowing an air and that makes lisa stop.

" are you ok?, im sorry is that smell bad or something let me put it ba~ c" joohyun cut her off by grabbing the container.

" no its not, this is mine you give it to me" joohyun saud little higher tone.

" ok what the hell im acting like this OMG get a grip joohyun your a BAE for christ sake" mentally scolding herself

" ahhhmmm i mean yeah you give this right and its not bad and its also my favorite, let~s eat please andjoined me" joohyun said

"okay" lisa smile just like when jisoo give her chocolate.

"OH JISOOS that smile i can live with just that!" joohyun thought leading lisa in the kitchen.

The two sat now and its silent, the two process everything what just happened, specially joohyun why see act like that. Lisa as being lisa I oblivious on how irene act, she just thankful for joohyun for welcoming her, and she feel so good.

" Lisa, thank you for this, and ahmm and im sorry earlier  it not my intention, and im sure about being friends with you" joohyun congratulate herself for not acting stupid.

"dont say sorry, i should be sorry and im im thankful to you unnie, for letting me stay here, its ok unnie,im sorry for my breakdown its just ~~~" lisa cant construct her sentence well, she want to explain herself

" dont say anything lisa i understand, and hey im not old dont call me unnie" joohyun trying to change the topic she knew lisa is uncomfortable about it and its ok with here she wants lisa to be comfortable when shes around.

" its just a guess unnie, ok i call you joojoo if thats ok, and can i ask question?. lisa just curious, joohyun nod.

" aren't you afraid of me or disgusted?  lisa looking down, but joohyun held her chin to look her on the eyes and.

" tell me lisa what you see in my eyes,? im not afraid or disgusted on you, i dont know why, the day i saw you outside the cabin sleeping, i can feel that your more than just a good person and now i see and feel im right your the purest person i ever know lisa." joohyun let out her feeling.

And the two stare in each other's eyes, they allow there selves to lost in each other's stare, they just broke it when the sky drop the loudest thunder and comes after the rain.

" ohh " lisa

" i guess you should sleep here lisa its dangerous to go outside in that state, lets put the airbed her living room its warmer here than in the room" irene said

" is that ok joojoo?."

irene smile on her new neckname.

" of course were friends now and lets get to know each other well" joojoo smile

And all the biggest stars aligned for celebration's dispite of the rain, looks like the two souls that destined for each other just meet.


 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now