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Today is downtime and another no work  for jisoo and jennie, jennie message jisoo to come over and hangout with her, jisoo accept and before she leave to go to jennies place she passed first to the market.

Jennies just want companion, and of course jisoos cooking. She grown fondness too the older, she loves when jisoo is there she felt like having a mom who take care of her.

She set-up the food for there  movie marathon, in time being working with jisoo she knows few of jisoo likes and of course about her sister.

The doorbell ring and jennie is confuse who on the other side is she didn't expect someone aside of jisoo of course, when she check the monitor.

" Eh what she doing here? she press the button to allow the person to come in.

" Whats with the ringing the door seul if you have key in this penthouse?. Jennie ask

" About that i left my bag in the house, im too tired to drive back and so is my phone that's why" seul reasoned out

" Why your here anyway i thought you have meeting today? What happened" jennie curious since seulgi is never been like this before.

" Ah about that, wait to you do expect someone today ? I see  foods in living room?" Seulgi checking the place.

" Well i invite jisoo, i like her being around you know and she's true seul not fake like those people i hangout, shes wise person i admire her" jennie said with admiration towards jisoo, when she see seulgis face she rolled her eyes.

" Stop that look seul, its not like ,like you know its like when shes there it feels like family and i feel safe seul i found a mom on her " she sadly said

" Sorry im just messing with you, i know right, i can feel it also thats why i put my cards on her and she's beautiful" the last part is somehow whisper but jennie still get it.

" Gotcha! You have crush on unnie, OMG its about time  seul your getting old!" Jennie tease her friend.

Seulgi is single ever since her first love, first girlfriend, left her, until then she didn't get involved in any relationship, hook ups, dates and any other term to be with someone cause shes afraid to get hurt and left again.

" Yeah i trust you jennie dont tell her ok, i dont want her to be uncomfortable when im around, its just a crush anyway we always have crush right? " seulgi reasoning to avoid jennies annoying ass.

" I know seul, im approved jisoo for you, stay her lets watch movie maybe jisoo is on her way, might as well let jisoo stay her with me than in her dorm seul, i dont mind shes staying her its more convenient when it come to work too." Jennie has been thinking lately to make jisoo to stay with her in penthouse, more safe for both of them.

" Oh i was about to ask you about it, well you already said, why not convince her later ok" seul munch her Pringles while waiting for jisoo, they talk silly stuff and gossip other models when jisoo came.


" Yahoooooo im here i smell food, hahah" jisoo enter very high energy but stop.

" Hi seulgi didn't know your going to be here,?" While putting her grocery in the counter,

" I just came, my meeting got cancelled, anyways what in the bags?." Seulgi get up and check it.

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