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lisa was chopping some dead woods little far from there house, its been week since she go to cabin, so she will visit again when the said date joohyun will comeback. She got some hoodie and cap and scarf from joohyun, she wont accept it at first but, there's a note in the gifts

ITS YOURS, ILL BE MAD IF YOU DONT GET IT, AND i thought its look good on you, joojoo

So lisa mentally noted that she will give joohyun something too for thank you,

Lisa got a lot of things to do, fixing there house coz the day she comeback, there's a branch of tree fall down in there roof, its not big damage but its needed a fixing. and fire woods got wet before that she got lot of messages from her unnie too so she replied.

Shes glad that jisoo adjust already in the city, shes still missing her unnie, lisa cant wait to tell jisoo about her new friend. Jisoo text her also that the people she's with and lisa think they are nice.

Lisa was done to her task, she put the woods in the cart, being pulled by the horse then she was just walking, she dont want to add some weight, lisa just being considerate to there animal.

While she was on her way, someone is waving not far from her, she double her pace to reach.

" Ajusshi what happen?" Lisa ask an old man seems like struggling.

" Its just my back is killing me, im going back home but in my old age my back didn't cooperate today" the old man laugh but looking and checking lisa more.

Lisa is oblivious on the stare she is more concerned to the old man situation.

" Dont worry ajusshi, here let me help you, lean here first just a seconds ". Lisa help him to lean then she go to back of the cart to lessen the the wood they will carry and leave some space for the old man, she put the woods in proper place she will just get it later, she help the old man to settle.

" Hold on ajusshi i will drop you off, by the way where is your house?. Lisa inquire navigating the horse.

" 3rd post before village" the man said then lisa nod,

" Are you from here young lady? It seems i didn't see you alot." Trying to ask

" Oh about that im not often roaming around in the village ill just go there to buy and deliver our crops that's also why ajusshi" lisa politely tell, lisa is always softie to the elders.

" You dont mind me asking you young lady what happen to your face?" The man curiously asked, lisa didn't hide it coz she ok with the older people, coz thinking they are harmless.

" Ahhh about that ahmm i got this when i was a kid accident ajusshi." Well lisa thought its accident, and believe she got it that way.

" Your still beautiful young lady, ohh were here just drop me here." The man said he carefully hop out the cart,

" Are you going to be alright here ajusshi its seems the house from this spot is still far?. Just let me drop you there " lisa is concerned

" No need young lady i need to stretch this also im going to be fine thank you, your such a good kid hoping to see you again ok" the man is refusing and want to dismiss lisa already.

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