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" What is it unnie?" jennie asked, suelgi is just listening while munching the prepared food for them, she cant help shes hungry.

" You see lisa is very shy person, not just shy ahhhm. " Jisoo struggling in how she will start.

" She is timid, reserve for a reason, if you didn't notice ahhmmm she have this big scar in her face, I'm saying this for you to be aware, i didn't want to judge you whatsoever on how you will react to her if you see her face, if ever you find her scary please dont show it to her im begging you " jisoo kneeled in front to them.

Jisoo just want to prevent her sister into pain, makes seulgi almost choke when she kneeled on them, she emediately stand.

" Please" suelgi hurriedly pull up jisoo from kneeling.

" Jisoo we will definitely be upset right now for judging  us as a person, but i understand where you coming from, i assured you that were not like that to judge a person by its look" suelgi and jennie assured her.

" Unnie i know this goddess like people in look but hell there attitude is like satan, even before you described her we believe on what you tell us she's prescious to you unnie, you basically raised her so judging of who she is, no doubt lisa is like you kind and selfless person" jennie said and jisoo hugged them both.

" THANK YOU THANK YOU IM SO SORRY TOOO! " Jisoo felt relief until someone shout.

" Unnieeeee!"

jisoo instantly run without her shoes on, the two follow and basically suelgi stumble in branch. When jisoo open the door she saw lisa awake and panting clutching her head and mutter some words.

"U~~nnie unie u~nnnie " lisa is in distress, jisoo immediately hugged her.

" Shhhhh unnie is here look at me lisa"' she force lisa to look  her in the eyes to make her calm then lisa make time to process her mind and close her eyes and put her head in jisoos chest.

What suelgi and jennie witness melts there heart, jisoo literally cuddle lisa like a baby, head resting in her chest, jisoos head rest above lisas head, both eyes close while jisoo humming some melody they dont know, jisoo kiss lisa head and whisper loving words,

" Chichu~unnnie your here" lisa cutely said, and the hug is getting tighter.

" Yes baby im here, want something to eat?" Jisoo talk in her calmest voice, even jennie and suelgi cant hide there amazement.

Being lisa shes excited that her unnie is home she basically being hyper again and forget her pain, lisa stand up to get something for jisoo but her body betrayed her and she becomes dizzy, fortunately lisa put her hand in the wall for a balance.

" Lisa baby tsk so stubborn, come here sit down please" jisoo is just behind here and escort lisa to sit down carefully, lisa didn't still notice the two audiences.

" Mmm u~ nnie head hurts" lisa really is a baby when jisoo is there, jisoo kiss lisa head.

" Unnie kiss,kiss,kiss and pain go away, so baby is fine now'" lisa is fully awake now and happy that her unnie is with her, she's giggling and smiling big and playing jisoos hand when.

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