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Lisas breathing's hitch then jisoo put her palm in Lisa's back then there's a long silence and joohyun facepalming, she realized she didn't say about lisa state jennie is about to stand and

" Wwwoooowww I love the meat, yaaah lisa you should open a restaurant!" Chaeyoung said but her words is not so clear since her mouth is full.

Seulgi look at jisoo and lisa, then

" Yeeaaahhh jisoooos lisa I never have this before" seulgi is shoving her mouth with meat, chaeyoung nod.

" Heeeey heey  slow down there's more ok, its going to be your death if you won't slow down" jisoo said then look at lisa seems like smiling then.

" Really?" Lisa is happy to hear it and forget the uncomfortable feeling she felt.

."uuhmmm it nsknmd ydhsjjsjjb" chaeyoung said makes lisa laughing.

" Your really a chipmunk,hahahaha" lisa laughing in between her word.

They are now looking at chaeyoung who's face is bloated, with a smears of sauce in her lips, they all laughing there asses, then jennie snap some photos of her face.

" I can't believe the president of park.em is starving to death" jennie said still snapping some photo smiling.

Jisoo is happy that lisa is already there, she just have to wait for timing of everything.

" Are you happy?" Jisoo whisper to lisa who is smiling, and she caress lisa face.

" I'm happy because of you, and I'm happy coz your happy, and I'm happy coz we found people with good heart" lisa lean and hug jisoo then kiss her forehead.

" Thank you" lisa whisper, jisoo nod

" Ok, ok now lets eat"

Everyone digging everyone makes wrap, for each other, but not for seulgi, who makes a wrap for jisoo but lisa catch it before it landed on jisoo, same to chaeyoung.

The 3Js make wrap then offer it too lisa at the same time, but then lisa chose jisoos wrap, makes the two pout but lisa get both wrap and shove it in her mouth and smile to them.

" Hahahaha, Jennie, joohyun are you two drunk your red" jisoo tease the ladies, and the two acted shy.

" Eat eat eat" jisoo

The dinner went very well, everyone is full, what surprise them is lisa eat triple, she's skinny but eat like a tiger, she still have room for desert which she don't want to miss because it's chocolate flavored cake from jennie.

Everyone help to clean and wash dishes, even chaeyoung volunteer and seulgi to do, while Jennie and joohyun prepare some tea to ease there fullness, jisoo and lisa prepare the house where they going to settle.

" Unnie should I built another room, for them if they come back again, you know ahh I just ~ " lisa suggest but she can't fully say it to jisoo.

" Hahha of course, of course you don't have to ask do whatever do you think is right thing to do ok?" Jisoo said to lisa is like that if she's asking permission to jisoo.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now