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Jisoo make lisa sleep and the visitors also taking a nap in there room, jisoo prepared for them, it was jisoos and lisa room before, but the two prefer sleeping in living room that's why they dont use it often.

Jisoo is busy doing laundry for lisa checking the food, side dishes if there's any spoiled. Feed the animals and jisoo figured out maybe lisa got the wound from collapsed stable, since the horse is in back of there kitchen, also suelgi and jennie starled when they saw the horse little near beside the comfort room.

jisoo is in deep thoughts about things mostly a lot of what if, like what if she quit her job, she already have savings might as well do some business to fill there funds but it will take time anf shes running of time, but there's always a buts, she was lost in her thoughts that she didn't know someone seated besides her.

" Yasaaah wanna die? what the heck seul!" Jisoo is so starled that she keep smacking seulgi she even curse which us very rare.

" Sorry, sorry didn't mean it" seulgi is giggling on how cute jisoo is and she make a peace sign. They both calmed down and sighed, just looking on the sun is about to set.

" You can talk to me jisoo, maybe we dont know each other for a long time but you can trust me a much as i trusted you, you have us dont keep it to yourself" seulgi meant it, she may not know how hard to be in jisoos shoes but she know what pain is like.

" Thank you seul it means a lot you know, im so thankful that god let me meet you and jennie, your good people seul and i really mean it to keep you two" jisoo is thankful in new found friend, both went into silence more like a comforting one.

" You see seul what im doing is for lisa, is all for lisa, and im willing to do it not just as responsibility but im doing it because i love her seul she's  my life, when she came in my life she gives me reason to live, in my younger years i have this deep loathed in my heart, but  that baby gives me sunshine, i'll take  bullet for her seul, I'll take all the pain and hardship for her as much as i can" jisoo express her libe for lisa and  seulgi feel Jisoos deepest love for lisa, she let jisoo talk.

" Im working for her surgery you know, in farming i cant make it, thats why i grab the job even i hate it that i will leave her here , own her own. She cant go to school, cant talk to people, do normal stuff like normal kid at her age, she likes music, she's intelligent even i suspect shes a genius one coz she can solve mathematical problems that i cant even understand, she wants to be a doctor, but she cant because of the fucking scar!" Jisoo is crying hard if only she can have it she will.

Seulgi now understand jisoos working hard, she didn't even complain in the city on how sleepless nights they have, she even take care of them but no single complain. Seulgi want to help coz money is not a problem for her, but she knows jisoo will never grab easy money, she might hurt Jisoos feeling if she offer. That's why suelgi already fall to jisoo. She hug jisoo with no malice just to comfort a friend in what jisoo needed now.

" Just vent it out sooyaa, always remember were here and i am her sooyaa, your the kindest person i know and a person like you will be blessed, just hang on and ill be at your back when you needed me" suelgi stating a fact and keeping a promise that she will be in jisoos side whatever happens.

She calm jisoo she dint want to drag them on her situation, she find comfort on her they still hugging then jisoo broke the hug.

" Whats with the neckname suel?" Jisoo ask devide to tease suelgi she's liking the pet name though, and make suelgi blushing mess.

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