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Its been two days now that they can't find lisa and Jennie, jisoo faint and not well when she knows what happen.


" hey Lisa', jen? " Joohyun yell cause it three minutes already they still not back just for a pizza.

" Yeah come out you two, if your pranking me, I'll going to beat your asses" joohyun stand up and proceed to the front door, but joohyun can see it that the door is wide open and there's no lisa and jennie makes her frown, then she take a closer look when she saw Lisa's sleeper and jennie is on the hall way.

" Shit!" Joohyun alert system kick in and ring jinhyuk to get the men and seungri, giving them her orders.

" Shit shit shit!!!" Joohyun is facing back and forth, shes thinking more what to do, then she ring seulgi and tell her what happened.


Then that's when jisoo faint, when she hears it cause the call is on speaker.

" Young master" kwang soo said, then he put a box on the table. They scan it already its not a bomb the household is on high alert the manoban also help them,

Seulgi open it, they are all complete, no one is going out alone, that's when jisoo yell.

"NOOOOOOOOO" Jisoo sob cause it's jennie and Lisa's hoodie with blood, after it jisoo faint again, they rush her on her room there is a doctor with them for jisoo since jisoo body drop after lisa and jennie is missing.

" It shows they want something, they are still alive I know it. We don't know if it's wu or others but im sure they are alive" jongyeon said examine the hoodies, sure they're not caught yet but the level of it is amateur. They even get caught on penthouse cctv. But with masks on.

" Seungri is on the line young miss" kwangsoo said everyone is mad when lisa and jennie is missing, joohyun put the phone into speaker.

" Boss, they are in busan,  an amateur gang did this and with choi" seungri said on the line without explanation, seulgi speak.

" Ready the plane and the men we need, faster clock is ticking" seulgi is fuming mad now. Then seulgi and joohyun remember and they look each other.

" Choi?' both of them voice out but, then joohyun call seungri again.

" Who's choi?" Joohyun said

" I email you the file already boss, the one who get money on lisa, the fraud man" seungri said she thought that joohyun already knew, its seems like joohyun miss an email to read.

" Thanks I'll check it now" joohyun said and the picture she handed it to seulgi. Then jongyeon.

" Wait his the man who's roaming around where we put surveillance on mr. Kim mansion then his gone" joy said the photo is now clearer.

" His the man also in farm getting money to lisa" seulgi is gritting her teeth she's fuming mad.

" Lets get going, jinhyuk you stay her with jisoo, choose the team here mina and nayeon stay also" joohyun said and seulgi is alright with them when they about to go jisoo came down.

" Bear where you going?" Jisoo asked her then she look at them

" Honey sit down we will be going to get jennie and lisa, we know now we're they are" seulgi calming jisoo, she not in good state now.

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