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Joohyun felt uneasy, the moment she wake up, there's a heavy feelings that she can't point out.

" Haaaist what is it? Might run some mile maybe little stress from yesterdays meeting" joohyun conclude

she runs for a mile and some light stretching, she takes a hot shower to release her tense muscles, before she goes down for breakfast.

" Young miss, young lady said she will not be home for few days, master leave a box for you too and the detective called that he emailed something for you'" her butler said joohyun shake her head for mentioning the box that there uncle gives them.

" Thank you, is my manager already here?" While walking and taking a newspaper in table.

" Yes young miss shes waiting in dining hall" butler said.

Mangaer Seo Yeji, joohyuns manager trusted friend works for joohyun in every aspect not just manager but her right hand.

Mangaer Seo Yeji, joohyuns manager trusted friend works for joohyun in every aspect not just manager but her right hand

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" Unnie thank you for coming in late notice" joohyun hug her and sit-down after, the maids serve them foods and coffee.

" Thanks, its ok I'll also want to talk to you regarding to the task you want to happen" seo said.

" What is it unnie" while sipping her tea

" Well fortunately, there agency consider our offer they want to schedule a meeting, it seems her manager is little picky in terms of projects, but joohyun the rumor of her is not true just like you the title is very opposite for what she is, and jennie also have a second manager she's working with Jennie's manager ms. Kang, i still dont have info about the new 2nd manager"  seo stop to drink her coffee

" The person i assigned with her tells me that the three fly together in private plane, so no paparazzi captured them we still dont know where they were going" gives joohyun some photos of them leaving.

" Hmmm i wonder what they up too, double the personnel unnie every move i want to know what and where she goes, just like the other two ms. Kang and the new manager" joohyun felt something is happening.


Chaeyoung and joohyun is waiting in dining table for there uncle to come, few minutes of chitchat the door was open by the butler, the two get up from there seat and welcome there uncle

" Welcome home uncle" the two hug the man.

" You two are growing beautiful, its been awhile, lets take a seat young ladies" there uncle said and lead them to there seats.

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