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VVIP area inside high end hotel restaurant there's jisoo, seulgi and jennie, they are waiting for the PARK'EM AND BBM for contract settlement and adjustment, before the signings of contract.

" I have problem seul, mandu I forgot the tablet in the car, i didn't notice its not in my bag" jisoo tell them

" It's ok let me get it" seulgi is about to go but jisoo hold her wrist.

" No seul let me, I'll be quick, if ever they will be here it is more important that your here, I'll get it quick just give me the key" jisoo stated it.

" Are you sure?" Seulgi fishing out her the key in her pocket, jisoo nod and gave her a smile.

" Becareful ok?  call me something happen" seulgi handed her the key. Then jisoo left.

" I can't watch my bestfriend being annoyingly sweet" jennie said pretend to puke, earned a slaps in her arm.

" Ouch, what? its worth the puke though hahahha" jennie tease more  they keep on teasing, then the a assigned staff to accommodate them open the double door. The guest is arrived.

" Ms. Seo, President. Park good morning" seulgi is being professional, they exchange hand shakes. This time chaeyoung is behave, irene just scold her earlier, even though she wants to struggle seulgi.

" Good morning too, sorry for ms. Bae will be with us later on, manager kim is not here?." Ms seo asked cause joohyun drop something in the parking lot.

" Oh it's ok we have plenty of time now, manager kim well be here too shortly, how about lets order our drink first? While waiting for them?" Everyone nod for agreement.

President. Park signal the staff to get them, what drinks they want.

" Espresso double" chaeyoung
" Lemon tea hot" seo
" Americano cold" jennie
" Latte hot and  peppermint tea please" seulgi

Jisoo came back she greet and apologize to them, then right after the drink arrived, the waitress give them a drink to its designated owner then seulgi.

" Sooyaa sorry i order you some tea without asking you, you can change it if you want" seulgi said it in low voice but chaeyoung heard it loud and clear.

" No thank you bear, how did you know I love to have this now, I will order this too you know" jisoo is relieve after sipping it cause she's having headache earlier.

" I see you massaging your head when where in elevator, please tell me if your not feeling well ok, so it won't get worst, the tiger will kill me if I didn't look for you'" seulgi tell her in concern and joke about Lisa's protectiveness.

" Silly, but thanks, don't worry it just light" jisoo reassured her, then chaeyoung didn't like what she sees, she controlling her emotion as she promised to joohyun, then later on joohyun arrived.

" Good morning, my apologies for being late" joohyun announced and bowed to them

" No problem ms. Bae please have a seat" suelgi being chivalry is always on her system, she lead her on her seat.

" Oh thank you ms. Kang, lets order something while we have our meeting to know each other as well, we will be working in a long term" joohyun said then ms. Seo take the initiative to do some things.

" We really didn't introduce each other last time, its so brief meeting, but we go straight to the point, were sorry about it, I'm bae joohyun I'm the owner of bbm, chairman" joohyun stated well it's surprised them specially seulgi.

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