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Minutes before they arrived, in one of the famous zoo in thailand lisa woke up. She check her bag, batteries and her stuff. She cuddle to jisoo after.

When they arrived, jinhyuk and the rest of rascals go in first, there are few staff and and medic stand by for them, perks of being super rich they really can have it.

They have cable carts for them if they are tired of walking, but not for lisa cause she likes to walk. First thing she did is looking at the big map of the zoo. Then joohyun gave her smaller size of map and the animals indicate where.

" So guys, thank you for this and I hope you have energy cause I need spare hands to look for that big baby" jisoo said pointing to lisa standing but her feet can't stop stomping it means she's excited.

" She's excited guys, if you study her body language you will notice it, little bouncing and feet stomping" jennie said which jieun and jisoo agree.

" Well I'm all pack, I can run to her" chaeyoung is ready, seems like she ready for a marathon.

" I hope so, we can go inside~" jieun didn't finish when they saw lisa sprint and leaving them all.

" Well it's on run chaeyoung" jieun said then chaeyoung run where lisa is, seulgi get a cable cart so that jisoo can sit and there things just in cart.

" You two are old couple you know, looking for retirement boucher stuff like that " jennie comment walking in there side, this is what she likes for, its for her also to stopped worrying, since the mission is getting nearer gives her anxiety.

" Hahaha yah right, but true we will grow old together" seulgi said and hold jisoos hand makes her blush.

" Aarrrg I hate it when the two of you were sweet annoying ass seul gotta go" jennie walkout to them she's going where lisa is.

" Stop teasing her, anyways thank you again seul your spoiling us too much" jisoo said and stole a quick peck on her lips makes seulgi blush and smile.

" Your always welcome love, I'm here for the you two ok, I love you" seulgi said with all honesty.

Jennie and joohyun and chaeyoung and jieun where a meter away from lisa, lisa first stop is the snakes cages. The keeper said it's safe but yeah for them no thanks, they were just looking at lisa playing all kinds of snakes, she even lay with them,  makes there tiny hairs cringed.

" Mister how much is this" lisa said in thai makes them  wide eyes, they were having conversations, about the topic.

" What's with look?" Jisoo asked they just came in.

" How did lisa knows to speak thai?" Jieun asked jisoo.

" Oh she have book about it, when we say we're going here, I buy her basic thai language book" jisoo said sipping her drink.

" Well it seem like it's not basic, she sounded like a local here" chaeyoung said.

" Well she's genius what can we say" joohyun looking at lisa who seem approaching them makes her back a little since she's holding something.

" Unnie look, this is a girl, I ask mister we can buy this I want leo to have a girlfriend" Lisa's said holding a yellow python makes jisoo facepalm.

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