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" drop me first to my dad before we go to agency" the brat said

" Yes young ms " the driver nervously answer

JENNIE RUBYJANE THE BRAT KIM, meet the pretty savage model ,shes been in spotlight since she debuted 5 years ago, born in korea, grown up in finland later on, going back in korean with family then pursue her dreams to be a model eventhough her father disagree.

She stil convinced by his only daughter, a brat indeed. Grow up with a golden spoon, the only heiress for of a business tycoon one of the richest in the world. KIM SEUNG WON


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going back to the brat.

When she arrived to the company not even minding people on her way not even taking glance who she will bump not even saying sorry, she will just flip her hair like nothing happen. when she arrived on office she ask the secretary where is her dad, the secretary said his in conference room having an important meeting, the secretary is about to tell that her father said that no one is going to disturb the meeting but the heiress  makes her way to the room not listening to the secretary behind her chasing her pace.

" dad! look let me explain ok" first sentence she said not minding that she disturb the meeting and sat next to her father.

"look dad its not true ok ,and i dont know that his married we just hang out once dad just once!" she keeps on blabbing not noticing the fuming president.

"Rubyjane!" He whisper yell to her daughter while giving an apologitic smile to the investor and business partners,

"PRINCESS LETS TALK LATER OK LET ME FINISH THIS FIRST!" He whisper yell but intense with gritting his teeth in annoyance.

" if you say so 5 minutes dad i got shoot later" then she bowed to the people inside then get out.

the people inside just blinking and opening there mouths like a fish in a tank. Mr. kim just said his apologies then proceeded the 5 minutes meeting yeeessss that's how whipped mr. kim to his daughter.

"RUBYJANE! what the hell was that!?" his seriously mad but when he sees her daughter being sulky and cute he melted.

"ok now speak darling. he sit in chair while looking the brat pasing back and fort explaining about the scandal.

" what im saying in the room is all true, i didnt even know coz his just so charming and sweet and how im going to now his just behind camera, its just friendly thing but really i dont have an affair and i dont even know his married coz i didnt see ring my gosh
....blah blah bla blah"  ruby spitting like a wild rapper while his father is getting dizzy then stood up in chair and grab his daughter shoulder just to stop her.

"listen leave it to me ok i will fix this i believe you!" while hugging patting her head.

' dont tell mommy please i dont want her to be upset." pleading and kiss his cheek and said she's late they just meet later in dinner.

" tsk that kid" fisting his phone and

"  find that man whos with my daughter in scandal , yeah you know what to do ok, clean it" He hung rhe call not waiting to the mans response.

" no one is goint to harm my family no one, i invest blood to have this life" mr kim thought while sipping his wine.

then he remember about the meeting.

'WHERE ARE YOU M." balling his fist and take a deep breath for his next step for the end game that his waiting for.


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