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They are all now sleeping, kwang soo help seulgi and jisoo to put them on bed. Well to those who think they are not drunk pass out. Tequila betrayed them when they stand up, surprise.

" I'm going to kick all there asses when they wake up tommorow" jisoo is pissed lisa is drunk,  she still murmuring words but smiling then sleep then back to it again.

" Relax hon for sure they won't remember everything tommorow, lets sleep now" seulgi said and dragged jisoo on bed. Yes they sleep in bed for now since lisa occupied the bed by herself.

" Tsssk ok goodnight I'll be early ill give them hangover soup, I will punish them tommorow you see" jisoo said  makes seulgi spoon her and nod.

" Take it easy ok, ilove you goodnight hon" seulgi kiss her shoulder.

" I love you too bear" jisoo turned around so she can buried her face on seulgis neck and she smile.


" jen, joohyun cut it properly, chaeyoung count the cup it will be salty or too spicy if you missed, hey hey hey where you going misssy sit down and shred it all" jisoo command them they all groaning there back hurts lisa is sulking and every one have task.

Jisoo wake them all up and threatening them if not she will shower them cold water so they did, she feed them she give them painkillers cause it obvious they have hangover. Now jisoo want them to sweat to release the alcohol in there systems.

" Unnie my hands are tired and I will feed the cats right, ok I love you I'll go now" lisa is trying to get out and say every excuse she can think but jisoo had counterattack to it

" I'll feed them already sit down and iloveyou too" jisoo calmly said and sip her tea, mrs lee and aunt miran giggling on them there face miserable but they are glad jisoo think of this.

" The storage is ready young miss as what you requested" kang soo just came in and told jisoo that the clay pots is ready and the area.

Well they are making kimchi now three kind of kimchi since they need it. Jongyeon is busy washing the soaking cucumber, radishes and chives of course nappa cabbage.

" This is your fault I know you give lisa liquors" jennie whispered to chaeyoung who's in agony already, its everyone first time to do it but not lisa and jisoo. They makes kimchi in there farm but in small ratio only cause they are the just two people to eat.

" I'm sorry ok, and I forgot too she keeps drinking that juice" chaeyoung reasoned out.

" Just hurry ok " joohyun says to them mina is peeling garlic then jongyeon help her since she's done.

" hurry up, lunch break will be soon then we will coat everything, I'll be back, lisa I'll tell you, its been long time I'll didn't discipline you" jisoo threatened lisa and she sulk and murmuring something.

" I hear you" jisoo said far from them already.

" I didn't say anything unnie" lisa shout back and hiss.

" Complain more and you'll know what's next' jisoo said makes lisa shut up and jieun laugh.

"  never gets old" jieun said she's now helping chaeyoung while chuckling.

" Tell us lili how unnie discipline you" joohyun asked its better to have talks so it will be easy, she can't believe herself doing this the actress sweating and doing kimchi never in her life but the feeling is warming her heart.

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