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Cheayoung and seulgi spit what they have in there mouth, good thing they divert there face before it landed on someone, the poor carpet is the victim

" Hahahahah just eat baby giant here you like this cake I'll gave you my share" jieun said to make lisa attention somewhere, a bribe on lisa and lisa take it and eat it.

Chaeyoung went pale as jisoo is glaring to her, and she also eyed jieun, she knows they are old enough but she just want to know atleast chaeyoung is already over in her heart ache, yes she knew it , she's jisoo after all.

No one joke around as they sense jisoo is serious, they continue eating, and talk casually about it, lisa is talking to jennie and joohyun then to other rascals.

" Thank you for the food" they all said as they finish and the stewards clean it for them.

" Lisa sit take your med here" jisoo said when lisa is about to stand, Lisa's medication is written in back of her palm, she don't want to miss on it, they already miss it when she disappeared, that's what jisoo knows but lisa take even without her unnie.

" Ok now, don't make a mess ok" jisoo said and lisa stand up she will go bathroom to brush and do her thing.

" Kindly watch her please" jisoo said even know she won't tell name, they know it already seulgi kiss her and leave.

" Jisoo i~" chaeyoung is about to depend things but jieun cut her off.

" Its accident soo, its not serious right, and it's just one time" jeiun said, chaeyoung want to say something and jisoo saw it, she nod to jieun.

" Your old enough eun I know I'm just concerned cause beside your my bestfriend I love you ok that's why" jisoo said and jieun hugged her she knows it, its just awkward in this situation she excuse herself leaving jisoo and chaeyoung.

" Talk chaeyoung, I know you have something to say, and I know my bestfriend enough why see acts that way" jisoo said and chaeyoung hold her hand.

" I'm moving on jisoo and I know I am, I am happy for you and seulgi, this past months I just balled my heartaches to her, she's been there for me jisoo, and I feel something for jiuen but I know she thinks I'm using her to move on from you, and I didn't push it to her cause I want it for her to see that I am over you, but she's putting words in my mind, the truth is i am over already she's special to me jisoo" chaeyoung said now jisoo knows more why jieun is acting that way, jieun is inlove to chaeyoung.

" I didn't say this properly, thank you for everything way before chaeyoung, your kindness towards us, your patience and effort, for loving me and lisa and now for giving me so precious to extend my life more to be with you and seulgi lisa everyone, I know you done so much for us chaeyoung specially to jieun" jisoo hugged her and chaeyoung is happy that she did something great.

" I never been this feel special before jisoo but when you all came in my life our lives change into something beautiful" chaeyoung said and she shed tears and jisoo wipe it, chaeyoung is a broken soul and now she's healed already.

" Be patience to her, I know her to well it is defense mechanism, just to make sure your already figure out what she is to you before you make a move ok? Cause trust me Lisa's word she will really do it" jisoo said she smile lovingly one of her maknae, and hugged her one more time before they go out, jisoo is still wheeled shes not allowed to be exhausted and all.

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