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* Holyshi* is that bae?
* Who got the legendary?*
* Who tame the dragon?*
* Is he an idol his tall*
* I think it's an idol, look how happy joohyun is"
* I ship whoever you are*

On and on and on

The internet went chaos early in the morning, the victim of photo is sound asleep not until.



" Whoever you are make sure it's life and death for ruining my precious sleep" joohyun is so annoyed, she's having a beautiful dream, a date with lisa, when lisa is about to kiss her and boom.

" Yes joohyun it's about life and death" manager seo said pass joohyun who's still confuse, but still remembering the moment with lisa she had last night, her mood change.

" Goodmorning unnie, isn't your too early now the schedule will be late afternoon" joohyun greet seo with all the smile and she fix her hair and proceed to the kitchen then brew some coffee.

" Really joohyun? How about open your phone and let's see your still all smiley, I can't believe this I didn't see this coming joohyun wait" seo said and interupt her on her phone ringing, then joohyun get her phone what is it then.

Multiple tags, on her social medias account, thousand of missed calls, messages, dms and more, then she open the article.

" Jisoos!"

That's the only word joohyun said when she see the pictures and articles, she didn't went it comments coz she knows how toxic KNETZ are.

" Now you see it, this is not good for your career joohyun, blah blah blah" seo said all the bad effect that cause this media to her career, but joohyun is

" Unnie, you forgot who I am, I don't care about the fame and money unnie, if this will cause my career ends why not I don't care really,'" joohyun said, seo forget what can joohyun do. What makes her angry is the picture lisa in it, she don't want to dragged lisa on toxic showbiz thing, she just glad that her only face can be seen, lisas face can't be seen or else she can burn dispatch for it.

" I don't care unnie, I'm still glad cause lisas face is can't be seen, cause I don't want her to be in this issues, we can fix this don't worry, we just double the bodyguards and call the lawyers, I have crazy obsess fans that's what we watch for" joohyun said and call jinhyuk.

" Morning too, double the guards in there, if you see paparazzi shoo them, protect lisa and unnie if ever someone will intrude them ok, thanks" joohyun said cause she knows how crazy the fans goes like detectives, she just glad lisa didn't go out house unless jisoo said.

" I can't believe this joohyun, but ok I respect that ok sorry for my reaction, for seconds I forgot everything, we can't deny it cause your face is clear on that, even they didn't say your name on the article, just released statement and I'll work the others for it" seo said then make a quick text for a meeting legal department.


They are now having breakfast, nothing changes on lisa routine, she wakes up early though shes not farming but she's busy on her activity. Security routine also change because of lisa too.

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