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When Su doing his task in the barn, he keep on glancing outside, the view is fascinating, the sun rays hit the big tree with an effects that rare to see, then a girl holding a book laughing on whatever she is reading, it's really entertaining to watch.

" Beautiful" the only word he could discribe not the background but to a certain someone.

Wu is in library, pretending to read, he just learn that  there visitor mr. Manoban, is in there to check some books in the library. Wu is very smart teenager, ambitious and charming and charismatic.

Wu is different, some kids already forget there past through out the years, it depends on what memories, wu despise and curse his whole being for being in this position, he believes that this is not his fate, he believes that his greater than anyone. There's something in his soul that he already decided what path it will takes, and he will do anything when he sees opportunity, by hooked or by crooked.

" Good day sire " wu greet the old man with manner and he composed his self like one of the aristocrat in a book he was reading. Mr. Louise close his book and looked at him.

" Well what can i do for you young man?" He asked

" I have a proposal sire." And thats makes mr. Manoban got his attention, he nod to proceed.

" My apologies first of all for being rude for disturbing your reading sire, and for shamelessly approach you, sire im cha seung-won or wu for them to be called, please hear me, i think your not here for an adoption sire, if ever can you bring me with you, i work hard for it sire, give me chance to grow not here in orphanage" wu took a deep breath, he really wants to get out of orphanage, he want new environment and his tired of this pitiful life.

" What make you think that i will grant your wish young man" mr. Louis raise his brow in very intimidating way.

" Its about su"



The room is quiet and awkwardly silent. They were all seated and they are all facing each , on the left side jennie is in middle, so as joohyun in the center with seo and ms. President chaeyoung park, no one is talking.

" Why is she looking at me like that,? Looks like  she hates me?" Jennie thought she can feel that ms. Bae is digging her soul,

" I know i should not judge her for being the daughter who i despise the most but there were something in her that i really want to pulled her hair!" Joohyun thought then shrugged it shes not like that.

" Yah stop looking at my sooyaa! Argh do they know each other? OMG im like this already! I didn't even start to confess! I really should punch that face she kissed my sooyaas hands!!!!" Seulgi thought is in riot, she wants to dive in swimming pool to cool down she dont want jisoo to see it, that she really want to punch someone.

" This is fate, we see each other again my jisoo, i will never let you go now ms. Kim! And that bear like face is annoying the way she hold jisoo hand !!! are they dating? !! not in my watch!" Chaeyoung thought she is pissed but mesmerized by jisoos beauty.

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