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Today's is jisoo's off its not end of month its just they dont have schedule for todays onward and jennie want to rest also alone, and its jisoos time also to roam around the city to inquire some clinic for lisa.

Jisoo enter a thrift shop before she gets back to her place, looking for things that might get her interest mostly if the things is for lisa.

" ok perfect, oh my she will loved this, i remember when she get lost because of this," jisoo reminiscing first time she bring lisa in village that she get hurt, then she grab some instructions book and parts for it. while looking around.

" so you play?" someone approach jisoo, and jisoo trying so hard to remember who's the person in front of her.

" you forgot me already of course its been so long, im the one in cafe who give you the my calling card, actually im waiting for your call all the time" she shyly said while scratching her head for non-existing itch its her habit for being embarrassed.

" oh sorry, yeah its you its been a long time ehh" jisoo really forgot her even tho she got little crush on her in first day she got in city, shes busy and focus on such things isoo feel little awkward in this moment.

" its ok by the way im ,roseanne park or just chaeyoung, or chae or yours'. ." ms. park whisper the last part of course, she still cant believe that the woman bothering her mind in this past months is in front of her.

" sorry im kim jisoo, im not really interested that's why i didn't call and im busy also in my work" jisoo reasoned out, well it true and she cant barely remember the event if she didn't reminded it to her.

" of course no problem, ahm are busy today?" Chaeyoung boldly ask and that makes jisoo give her confuse look.

" im sorry ahgm im~ it just ahhh" chaeyoung cursing herself for embarrassing her in front of her crush, smacking the hell out of herself she drop her head for defeat.

" now i just ruined everything without even get a chance to know her " chaeyoung thought very disappointed to herself then jisoo there watching her with confuse and amuse at the same time.

" shes funny, and look at those cheeks so red, i bet shes so embarrassed, well im not busy so why not," jisoo think maybe ms. park well introduce her offer to me just last time.

" you know what im not busy, let me just pay for this, your not going to kidnapped me right?" trying to lighten the mood.

" No no no no of course not, im just going to you know , the ~~" ohhhhh just great brain chaeyoung cursing herself again

" you know your funny, i figured out you invite me to say your offer formally cause the last time your in a hurry, since im not busy i can spare my time to hear it from you then ok lets go?." jisoo said while chuckle and that makes chaeyoung, straighten up to gain her confidence again, and she open the door for her help her in baggage.

" let me help you with this, are you up to for ramen or coffee? its my treat since im the one who invite you of course"." Chaeyoung trying to be cool.

" of course you pay, hahahah such a gentlewoman, i know a ramen shop nearby we can just walk" jisoo try to tease the younger one,  she assume again since she's older.

As gentlewoman she is , she open the door for jisoo and lead her to her seat. the waiter approach them and give menu and complimentary drink.

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