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I will tell you something when I woke up on the hospital everything is clear to me, I didn't talk because I'm processing everything what happened.

Everything until the bullet I catch for unnie, to my parents to ajusshi, to kidnapping and mr. Wu all the memories never fade.

Why? They tell me to relax though I know I have this hole inside my brain and it's aching honestly. For months not talking I decided never to talk about things , I understand everything but still I can't accept things easily like my parents.

Its hard but I'm trying to balance everything, and I really just want peaceful life. Those months also they are all healing, worries for me is everywhere so I decided to help them too, to pretend that I forgot everything.

We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments thats why I lie.

My lie is in good side, it's for them I'm not afraid of punishment in after life because of this lie but in my opinion and all that's my solution. I love them all about my parents I deal with it but still I can't force to love them dearly but I will be good to them and be respectful for them.

" Be careful ok, don't be too long it's cold outside" unnie said as I will go out with joohyun I will bring her to my special spot.

" We will unnie don't worry" joohyun said as she get our thermos, I feel guilty from time to time but I will pretend that I didn't remember those traumatic events for them to stop worrying about me.

" Don't be back late ok, here are the time medication" unnie gave joohyun my box, I didn't complain about the medication it helps also from time to time they don't appear on my mind, lily leo and Limario they talk to me when I woke up, it's all fresh but I stay calm and analyzing everything even it hurts that's why I decide to take the risk it's for the better and this is my way.

" Where we going baby?" My joojoo ask and smile and kiss her cheek, I love this woman beside me all her effort for me even before, my heart chooses her, maybe I have confusion before cause I know ninis feelings for me too.

Now that all the hindrance is gone she can live in peace , everyone who's after us all, it's clear that I love jennie as i love my jisoo unnie, but this girl beside me I saw her myself to grow old with her.

" Here let's stay here for a moment" I said as we arrive on the stream there's a small cabin built here aside for the big one with the deck connected to the stream, it icy that's why I choose the small who we can get warm inside.

I lit up the fire on fireplace, a guard settle outside and he also fix a fire his a look out,  I'm still need to be safe cause I still have this bullet, I don't mind if this stay here I can endure pain sometime.

" Joojoo lets cuddle" I said and we lay on the carpeted fur near on the fire, I lay and joohyun lay in my chest.

" This is nice, why you bring me me?"

" Just want to spend time alone with you"

" Your sweet baby"

" I know"

We both giggle and just lay there,  hearing each other, I hold her palm and bring it on face I can tell her warm, and I kiss her palm.

" Hmmmm"

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now