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Its been a week jisoo back to work, Lisa's sessions also start. Lab test show her health is impressive other than here mental issues. Dr. Sandara kwon visit her session also and suggest other approach. Its still early to say she's improving but it shows shes good she's not some other patients that suicidal and very weak. The big help is lisa in her right environment and right people with.

A press release from business world about the chains of business will be as one threatened those who are in first spot, its a good news for others also bad news to those who want to stay on top.

What makes it more interesting is collaboration between top actress and top model to be the face of the upcoming promotion. This will be affect other businesses and other sector of economy. Paparazzi is everywhere. Seulgi and chaeyoung double the security for there talents and also the private part which includes lisa.

One article post a picture of joohyun and jennie with lisa, good thing lisa was still in her hoodies and face protective mask. Still it's make jennie and joohyun mad and they put that agency into a warning or there business will be close.

Jisoo still working and she makes time to see her doctor.


Lisa is in the garden she was busy doing her stuff  she is now taking care every plant inside, even trimming the grass.

The servant and kwang soo is uneasy for seeing her working inside, but joohyun say let her do her thing makes lisa release she energy she got lots of it, she even do music shes into guitar.

But now lisa is eyeing the house near where leo and and lucy staying because or her curiosity, she cant stay still.

" You think someone is in there?" Lisa asked limario

" Of course , I hear motorcycle at night I think the owner is inside" luca shared

" Hey don't you dare lisa, its bad to get inside without permission lets ask seulgi maybe she knows" lily said then they left.


" THANK GOOD SHE'S GONE" jongyeon said, they been watching lisa in front of the door through cctv.

" She's cute being curious, I think she want to know what's inside" joy said which is true

" Maybe she get bored also, she's in the house always" momo who's typing on laptop about the plan.

" I think she is fun to be with, she even have fun cutting grass" dahyun told them she see lisa one time singing on the grass she found it funny.

" Just let her, if she will get inside we will welcome her, if not leave her alone" jongyeon said eyeing mina who's in the kitchen. Then a moment of silent momo shout more like starled to death.

"AAAARRRGH" momo even fall to her chair.

" What happen?" Dahyun run to her then momo point the screen, dayhun also get starled.

" Hahahahaha, its just picture, jisoossss your are weak" joy said and they all laugh in the monitor is a picture of ghost,

" Is this camera 4 near at stable?" Jongyeon asked them momo nod still not recovered, the. Jongyeon playback what happen.

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