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The day before we left the farm, I really don't want to go, I know something is wrong on me or not but I always shrugged it off. When I saw unnie struggling and begging me to come with her, I can't take it how broken unnie was.

When we arrive in the city I feel uncomfortable, I don't know what feelings lingers on it. Lily is more anxious than me. When seulgi that bear speak on the plane through speaker lily is having crush on seulgi for being cool, tss I'm cooler than seulgi, but anyway she lets us stay in her house.

Speaking of house this is so big I mean really big, we have rooms each but lily wants to have her own since bear promise her pink room. Limario that night wants to go out, but unnie is hugging her that's why she can't go. She wants to roam at night which we opposed, unnie will scold has if that's happen they are jealous on lily since, unnie chichu and unnie giant knows her now.

Anyways again the house, I'm roaming around I saw people but, they avoid me when they see me, I'm looking that giraffe guy, I'll asked food for leo and lucy. It seems joojoo and Nini, bear and chippy go home to there own house,

" I'm getting dizzy, I can't find where they put foods" lisa said.

" Me too, we open every room, why there's so many rooms?" Luca asked

" Do I know? Wait saw something outside motorcycle I want to try it" limario said

I just shake my head, they always like this. I saw auntie and she signal me to come closer, she looks kind, joojoo said she knows her since she was kid. So I trust joojoo.

" Good morning young miss, I saw you earlier, I just don't want to intrude, I think your looking for something? are you hungry I can make you food, come lets go kitchen," mi ran said,

I can't speak I just bowed my head, then she pointed the chair, she want me to sit, she boiled something then I smell it, it's hot chocolate.

" Miss joohyun, said you like hot chocolate as your morning drink, she even gave me the list" miran said

Joojoo said we can call her auntie, she seems nice so.

' I'm looking also for giraf~ mister kwang soo, I want to know where to get food for leo and lucy" I shyly said, then she handed me the hotchoco.

" Hahaha, sorry young miss your cute, just call him giraffe because his one of them" auntie said while laughing.

" Kwang soo is not here, he went to wet market now, but I can show you where he put it, its still early young miss why don't you go back to sleep" auntie suggest

" I'm ok I like waking early, thank you I'll be outside to look for leo and lucy" I said, auntie nod and she left, when she's back she have something on basket.

" This are the food, it's from the doctor, there's also note for it, he said leo is fat' auntie mi ran said, then makes eyes widen.

" No leo is not fatttt, ok thank you" I get it and hurriedly go to there house, while I'm walking I'm reading the note, it seems they are stress it's normal since it's new environment.

I saw other house its not that big but it's ok little near on lucy and leo house, the area is big.

" I'm wondering can I plant flowers here?" I thought while I'm unlocking the door then open the light, seulgi bring me here yesterday, she still terrified to leo I understand them though.

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