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" LISAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
" JISOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The wedding song played and a smoke effects makes it more magical with fairy lights hanging, not ot to mention the sun is about to set.

In front  door view you can see the few guest seated, the couple facing the priest and chaeyoung and lisa both sides of the couple.

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The ceremony is about to end, when you hear someone is  laughing, when lisa hear it she smirk. The old MANoban couple get starled even they know this is coming.

When chaeyoung tell them about this, they try to get lisa out in this place but chaeyoungs word make them stay.

" Your child want to end this for everyone, might as well let's help her on this, it's time to face him uncle and auntie"

Jinhyuk is on standby, even the guards and seungri. When they saw Wu is coming they all scattered everywhere but cannot be seen. When Wu get inside while shinrok is emediately escaping but they let him cause from afar someone is waiting to get him.

Seungri is looking everywhere what lisa told her, there might be bomb somewhere and she's right about it. Kwangsoo stay on headquarters lisa prepare for them they still sleeping, but expecting to be awake later on.

" When they wake up, don't open until it's finish, gave this to them" lisa handed kwangsoo a letter.

As the cue the fake priest, the fake wedded couple, face the guest and take off there face cover.

" How?"

Thats the word Wu said when he saw the couple its the two ladies they blackmailed months ago.

"Hyo-lyn? Tiffannny?" Wu stuttering how and looking at lisa smiling creepily, chaeyoung don't know it's them too since in last minute lisa change the supposed actors.

Lisa just received a text from kwangsoo men they found them, they vanished when they get there sons from shinrok, they explained there selves why, they just happen went months ago try to audition  on said advertisement with everyone as joohyun manager help them seems like shinrok already tailed them in hawaii.

" Hmmmm let's just say I'm not stupid? Hahha" lisa said laughing.

" You may go now miss, but still were not done here yet ok, I'll give you what I promise" lisa sweetly smile, and they both run as what lisa said, then lisa walk beside Wu who's mouth went agape and lisa accidentally hit one of the guest on her elbow and his head fall out.

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