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The day mr. Louis Brüschweiler Manoban visit the orphanage has come to an end, the little vacation to orphanage was fun, he convince Su to come with him with the help of Wu.

Those days Sire. MANoban have a chance to talk with Su, getting to know him more, his dislike and likes. He can't contain his happiness even the the teenage girl get more fond on Su, his still timid but fun and kind very polite.

On the other side Wu have grown hatred and jealousy on Su, but he have to pretend for his chance to get out to the orphanage. He knows that mr. MANoban is just using him to get through his own son. He envy him so much that he forgot now there bond as bestfriend. He treat su the same but not the same feelings as brother.

Since that day they arrived to the Brüschweiler Manoban estate on switzerland, Wu didn't waste the chance he busied himself on the opportunity mr. MANoban gave him studies knowledge on everything, but the treatment is different since the real son is there, he is more special, and he sees the difference, the room, the clothes, even Su have personal butler and tutor, they bond but Wu just pretend and he grows distance to Su.


Wu and the Jiwoo the teenager grows friendship, the only person  that Wu gave him sanity and calm him on there teenage years Wu supposed to ask her to be his girlfriend but Mr. MANoban announced the said engagement between Choi ji woo from choi clan and Woosung Brüschweiler Manoban.

" Your taking everything I deserve Su, then I'll take them in cruelest way for you to feel what I feel" Wu clenching his fist under the table.



" Yee Yee ms. Kang, I send it already. Yes thank you" mr yu said , the care taker that seulgi assigned in lisa and jisoos house.

" Thank you, mr yu, I already wired your salary for your time being, I'll message you ahead when we visit there again, please take good care and you too" seulgi said on the other line and hang up.

" Hmmm I ask jisoo and show her the picture who visit there house" seulgi thought, she and jennie is now in the penthouse talking about the plan jongyeon sent to them and what they will do.

" Seul, I'm nervous I hope this will going well, I don't want  someone will hurt because of this seul" jennie is worried about the plan but hoping this chance won't slip.

" I'm hoping the evidence is enough for your fake father to go in jail jennie, I can't believe this" seulgi said it was just recent they know everything if it's not a law firm contact jennie about the trust fund named to her from her parents james kim and rubyjen kim they won't know anything.

" But why I can't remember everything seul, it seems like I wake up his the person I know, I know my father is him, so everything is lie I don't know what I should think seul" jennie crying on seulgis shoulder.

" Don't worry we will know the answers soon, that's why we really need to get that woman in our side" seulgi know that the answer is the woman they need to rescued.

" I'm hoping that I can handle whatever she will tell us seul, I'm so angry to him, good thing we figured out earlier enough that he keep on tracking on me" jennie said, they bring jongyeon with them on there first meeting, cause jongyeon suggest if that person is hiding something then his up to something.

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